Jan 4>
3-2-1: Starting the new year the right way, how to stay focused, and a lesson on long-term thinking用正確的方式開始新的一年、如何保持專注,以及長期思考的課題
1/As we start the new year, a reminder from Atomic Habits:
“New goals don’t deliver new results. New lifestyles do. And a lifestyle is a process, not an outcome. For this reason, all of your energy should go into building better habits, not chasing better results.”
2/A simple filter for managing your time: You’re not focused enough unless you’re mourning some of the things you’re saying no to.
3/Don’t worry about being the most interesting person in the room, just try to be the most interested person in the room.
- The interested person asks about others and leaves a good impression because people like talking about themselves.
- The interested person is genuinely curious about someone’s craft and learns a lot about how things work.
1 years ago @Edit 1 years ago
- The interested person engages with more people and—because opportunities come through people—is more likely to catch a lucky break.
In general, the interested person learns more and tends to be well-liked. And in the long run, it’s hard to keep down someone who is well-learned and well-liked.
1 years ago @Edit 1 years ago
- 對他人感興趣的人會詢問他人的意見並留下好印象,因為人們喜歡談論他們自己
- 對他人感興趣的人對他人的技藝真正感到好奇並且會從中學習事物的運作方式
- 對他人感興趣的人接觸更多的人以及——因為機會往往來自人脈——更可能抓到好機會
1 QUESTION: Who are you trying to become this year? Which actions will reinforce that identity?
apofenia: 酷欸,謝謝Apo分享
1 years ago @Edit 1 years ago
apofenia: 不會爛,感謝場外優秀的支援
倒是我很抱歉因為我的文法從以前就爛Apo說的我剛開始沒有繞出來,但用something interests me去思考,我就意會過來了,因為這詞本身的主動狀態(?)和形容詞就是被(旁人)感到有興趣的,所以當成為類似被動狀態的-ed時,才會是反過來「對⋯⋯感興趣」,超感謝解惑&上面的翻譯
場外開始糾結到底interested in/at/with的差別 apofenia: 知識的價值超越形式!!!!
<2024 Jan 11>
3-2-1: On saving money, controlling your anger, and what love looks like
The pessimist criticizes, the optimist creates.
Save more money than you think you need. Life is unexpected and your future tastes will likely be more expensive. Not worrying about money tomorrow is worth more than whatever you could buy today.
I have learned that whenever I think “I don’t have enough time to do that” what I usually mean is “I don’t have enough energy” or “I am not actually interested in doing this.”
What I need to do a better job of is not managing my time, but rather caring for myself and identifying my true interests.
When I am well rested and working on something I am genuinely excited about, finding time is rarely a problem.
1 QUESTION: Winston Churchill once said, “It is not enough that we do our best; sometimes we must do what is required.”
Think about what you are working toward this year. Are you doing what is required or are you looking for a shortcut?
<Jan 18>
3-2-1: On endless pursuits, the value of courage, and how to buy back your time
The days can be easy if the years are consistent. You can write a book or get in shape or code a piece of software in 30 minutes per day. But the key is you can’t miss a bunch of days.
The wedding is an event, love is a practice.
The graduation is an event, education is a practice.
The race is an event, fitness is a practice.
The heart, mind, and body are endless pursuits.
The obvious way to buy back your time is to pay someone to do something for you. Pay the mechanic to change your oil or a dry cleaner to press your suit.
The less obvious way to buy back your time is to say no. Passing on a promotion might “buy” you more time with family. Declining the dinner invite might “pay” for the time you need to exercise.
We buy back our time not only with the money we spend, but also with the opportunities we decline.
The more clearly you know how you want to spend your days, the easier it becomes to say no to the requests that steal your hours.
1 QUESTION: Artist and educator Corita Kent had a set of rules she often shared with her students. One of them read, “There is no win and no fail. There is only make.”
What are you making today?
<Jan 25>
3-2-1: A recipe for unhappiness, the most valuable items in my home, and managing limiting beliefs
If you want a recipe for unhappiness, spend your time accumulating a lot of money and let your health and relationships deteriorate.
Frankly, the most valuable items in our house might be a squat rack, a bench, and a set of weights. I thought I was purchasing gym equipment, but I was actually buying peace of mind.
Pay attention to how readily people talk themselves out of things—and be wary of adopting the same narrative. People will often try to convince you their limiting beliefs should become your own. They do not. Find your own ceiling.
1 QUESTION: Slow down for a minute. Close your eyes. Scan your body.
Where are you holding tension right now?
Take a deep breath. Relax.
<Feb 1>
3-2-1: On hats, haircuts, and tattoos
You should always be rooting for the people you know. Not only because you may need their support tomorrow, but also because it feels good to celebrate something.
Celebration can rescue your day—even if it is someone else’s victory. Envy will ruin your day—even if you’re actually winning.
When I go into a situation, I try to keep a mindset of baseline optimism.
When starting the day: It’s going to be a good day.
When meeting someone new: I’m going to like them.
When trying something challenging: It’s going to work out.
Problems will inevitably arise and I’ll deal with them as the situation demands, but my preference is to assume I’m on a winning path until proven otherwise.
I think about decisions in three ways: hats, haircuts, and tattoos.
Most decisions are like hats. Try one and if you don’t like it, put it back and try another. The cost of a mistake is low, so move quickly and try a bunch of hats.
Some decisions are like haircuts. You can fix a bad one, but it won’t be quick and you might feel foolish for awhile. That said, don’t be scared of a bad haircut. Trying something new is usually a risk worth taking. If it doesn’t work out, by this time next year you will have moved on and so will everyone else.
A few decisions are like tattoos. Once you make them, you have to live with them. Some mistakes are irreversible. Maybe you’ll move on for a moment, but then you’ll glance in the mirror and be reminded of that choice all over again. Even years later, the decision leaves a mark. When you’re dealing with an irreversible choice, move slowly and think carefully.
11 months ago @Edit 11 months ago
1 QUESTION: Think about something you have been trying to make progress on recently. What is a completely different line of attack for solving it or a wildly different approach you can explore?
<Feb 8>
3-2-1: How to ask for what you want, the mistake creators make, and letting go
The more things you have, the more things you have to manage.
Simplicity isn’t merely cheaper, it’s easier.
Always ask, but never expect.
Always ask for what you want. Many people are happy to help—if the request is direct and specific. In a surprising number of cases, something remarkable is possible if you have the courage to ask.
Never expect people to say yes. Everyone is busy and balancing multiple priorities. Your request is not their responsibility. When you’re told no, move on lightly and freely. The world is full of opportunity.
Stop paying so much attention to what everyone else is doing and run your own race. How much time is spent reading other people’s posts on social media, watching other people’s exploits in the news, listening to other people’s ideas on podcasts? Go have coffee with a friend. Go make something. Go outside.
All those hours spent looking at someone else’s life on a screen could be used to take action in your own life.
11 months ago @Edit 11 months ago
1 QUESTION : Which responsibilities, relationships, or projects have been weighing heavily on me and can I give myself permission to let one of them go right now?
<Feb 15>
3-2-1: The simple way to have a good day, why inspiration is unnecessary, playing small vs playing big
Who knows you is more important than who you know. Build a brand.
It is not worth it to be greedy over a single transaction. Even if you’re not going to work with the person again. Even if you think word won’t get out. Even if you think this is your one shot to make it. Reputation follows you everywhere.
If you want a simple formula for having a good day, then get a workout done and do your most important task before lunch. Knock out those two things by noon and you really feel like you’re ahead of the day.
1 QUESTION: Imagine there is a small version of you and a big version.
When you are playing small, your behavior is timid, you feel less than, and you are often surrounded by people and projects that drain you.
When you are playing big, your behavior is confident, you feel motivated, and you tend to be investing in people and projects that energize you.
How can you spend more time playing the big version of yourself this year?
<Feb 22>
3-2-1: On luxury purchases, the meaning of life, and what procrastination reveals
Don’t sacrifice peace of mind for a piece of luxury.
The secret is not to find the meaning of life, but to use your life to make things that are meaningful.
Do things for your own satisfaction. Consider praise from others to be a bonus. If you don’t work for their validation in the first place, you won’t need it to feel satisfied once it’s done.
1 QUESTION: What if you stopped looking for new ideas and simply focused on the best idea you have right now?
<Feb 29>
3-2-1: How to be consistent, the value of beauty, and designing for relaxation
If you want to avoid criticism, create less.
If you want to avoid irrelevance, create more.
I can’t control the other person’s behavior, but I can control my response. Their actions may be rude or unacceptable, but I still want my response to be measured and thoughtful. Even if they aren’t doing what is right, I still want to make sure I’m doing what is right.
In theory, consistency is about being disciplined, determined, and unwavering.
In practice, consistency is about being adaptable. Don’t have much time? Scale it down. Don’t have much energy? Do the easy version. Find different ways to show up depending on the circumstances. Let your habits change shape to meet the demands of the day.
Adaptability is the way of consistency.
1 QUESTION: Design for relaxation. What is one change I can make to my environment that promotes mental peace and reduces stress?
<Mar 7>
3-2-1: On creating the conditions for joy, how to go to hell, and the simple way to clarify your thinking
You can go to hell without moving an inch, just focus on what you lack.
You can taste heaven without leaving earth, just rejoice in what you have.
The simplest way to clarify your thinking is to write a full page about whatever you are dealing with and then delete everything except the 1-2 sentences that explain it best.
The reason people get good ideas in the shower is because it’s the only time during the day when most people are away from screens long enough to think clearly. The lesson is not to take more showers, but rather to make more time to think.
1 QUESTION: When have I felt most joyful this year and what steps can I take to recreate those conditions?
不好意思這次的翻譯又成了雙週制,但我發現James Clear越來越有寫《讀者文摘》或心靈小語的潛力了
apofenia: 《Counselling for Toads: A Psychological Adventure 蛤蟆先生去看心理師》裡提到,這種明示(或暗示)我們「在什麼時候做什麼事」的心理,就像在心裡住著一個「父母版本的自己」指揮著「孩子的自己(或說自覺不夠成熟的自己)」,而那些
10 months ago @Edit 10 months ago
<Mar 14>
3-2-1: On hard conversations, how to ruin a good strategy, and asking for what you want
The beginner chases the right answers.
The master chases the right questions.
Flexibility alone is not a great strategy, but the lack of it can ruin one.
How to clarify a concept you can’t articulate:
1. Change mediums. Draw it. Photograph it. Sing it.
2. Change levels. Explain what is one level up (bigger picture) or one level down (finer details).
3. Change fields. What would this concept look like in different fields?
1. 改變敘事的媒介。把它畫出來、拍出來,甚至唱出來。
2. 改變敘事的層次。將它的維度提高(例如更廣的視角),或將維度降低(例如更精微的細節)。
3. 改變敘事的領域。在不同的領域中,這個概念看起來是什麼樣子呢?
1 QUESTION: What is something you want, but you haven’t asked for?
<Mar 21>
3-2-1: My advice for writers, what silence says, and the chapters of your life
A truth unsaid can still be felt.
What needs to be discussed, but hasn’t been said yet?
Clear the air.
My friend, who sometimes shares his writing with me, once said my feedback always falls into three categories:
1. Make it shorter.
2. Make it more appealing.
3. How could it apply to more people?
1. 精簡一點
2. 吸引人一點
3. 這要怎麼讓更多人有感?
It doesn’t have to be that way. You can live each day going from joy to joy—like a sunflower that turns to face the sun as it moves across the sky. It’s not about having a problem-free life, but about focusing on the light. Sunflowers still have shadows, but they are always behind them.
1 QUESTION: Imagine your life as a book. What title would you give to the current chapter, and what is going to be the next?
Wanting 曲婉婷 - Life Is Like a Song [Official Music Vi...
<Mar 28>
3-2-1: On muddy puddles and leaky ceilings, the secret to productivity, and how to spoil a great relationship
Laughter itself cannot make a great relationship, but the lack of it can spoil one.
Holding onto anger and resentment is like scuba diving with an anchor. As long as you’re clinging to it, you’re bound to the seabed, limited in movement, unable to appreciate the coral reefs and the colorful fish that dart in and out of view.
Forgiveness is letting go of the anchor.
It isn’t about declaring what was done to you is okay, but about unburdening yourself so you can swim freely. Forgiveness is a gift you give yourself. It’s the gift of letting go of the anchors you’ve been carrying.
I split problems into two groups: muddy puddles and leaky ceilings.
Some problems are like muddy puddles. The way to clear a muddy puddle is to leave it alone. The more you mess with it, the muddier it becomes. Many of the problems I dream up when I’m overthinking or worrying or ruminating fall into this category.
Is life really falling apart or am I just in a sour mood? Is this as hard as I’m making it or do I just need to go workout? Drink some water. Go for a walk. Get some sleep. Go do something else and give the puddle time to turn clear.
Other problems are like a leaky ceiling. Ignore a small leak and it will always widen.
9 months ago @Edit 9 months ago
Relationship tension that goes unaddressed. Overspending that becomes a habit. One missed workout drifting into months of inactivity. Some problems multiply when left unattended. You need to intervene now.
Are you dealing with a leak or a puddle?
1 QUESTION:Jeanne Torre: “Is that assumed or confirmed?"
<Apr 4>
3-2-1: On discarding old commitments, handling disappointments, and how to go from vision to reality
If you feel resistance before you begin, it’s usually procrastination and you need to get started.
If you feel resistance after you begin, it’s usually feedback and you need to make adjustments.
Focus is how you knit the hours of the day together. With focus, the day becomes a beautiful tapestry. Without focus, you end up holding a bundle of loose string.
Anytime in my life when I have managed to go from a vision to a reality, the vision has not been a plan but a practice.
In other words, what matters is not having a vision, but rather making a habit of returning to and revising the vision. For the big things in my life, I’m always coming back to them week after week—sometimes day after day.
As new information arrives, the vision gets updated. The dream becomes more crystallized over time. It’s a habit of thinking about where you want to go with an ever-increasing degree of clarity.
You do not need a vision, you need the practice of envisioning.
1 QUESTION: What is one commitment you are continuing to do out of inertia, but—if you had the courage to eliminate it—you would immediately benefit from discarding it?
Apr 11>
3-2-1: What top performers do, and how to deal with critics and detractors首屈一指的專家做了什麼,以及怎麼應對評論和批評者
You don’t need to worry about progressing slowly. You need to worry about climbing the wrong mountain.
If you already live a comfortable life, then choosing to make more money but live a worse daily life is a bad trade.
And yet, we talk ourselves into it all the time. We take promotions that pay more, but swallow our free time. We already have a successful business, but we break ourselves trying to make it even more successful.
Too much focus on wealth, not enough focus on lifestyle.
Mastery is not only about getting better at your craft, but also about finding ways to eliminate the obstacles, distractions, and other annoyances that prevent you from working on your craft.
Top performers find ways to spend as much time as possible on what matters and as little time as possible on what doesn’t.
9 months ago @Edit 9 months ago
It is not someone else’s responsibility to create the conditions for success.
You have to actively work to eliminate the things that don’t matter from your workload. If you haven’t figured out how to do that, you haven’t mastered your craft.
1 Question: Is the situation actually complicated or is it really quite straightforward, but you’re making it complicated because it requires a lot of courage to make the straightforward decision?
Apr 18>
3-2-1: Two ways to grow, how to criticize, and a simple recipe for finding good opportunities成長的兩個方式、如何批評,以及找到好機會的簡單指南
Wisdom is the echo of experience.
Early feedback is usually better than late criticism. Delaying the conversation or stringing someone along with indirect feedback won’t make them feel better once the real issue is finally addressed. Nobody likes getting bad news, but everyone appreciates clarity.
A simple recipe for finding opportunities:
1. Be pleasant
2. Ask questions
3. Engage daily
It’s hard for a warm and pleasant person who is asking a lot of questions and engaging in their industry daily to not come across interesting opportunities.
1. 保持愉快的心
2. 問問題
3. 日常參與
1 Question: There are two ways to grow: by adding or by shedding.
Do you need to add something or do you need to shed something?