Ryslig Mods
1 years ago
January's announcements are up! These include changes to the mod team, event highlights for 2024 and a request for feedback regarding OOC post setups. Please read them when you have the time!
latest #26
1 years ago
don't take this too seriously but you should consider adding exactly one permanent monster so the columns line up
1 years ago
to contribute, i will start writing a bestiary page for the new permanent monster, the Pillar Man, immediately--
icky horse 🐴
1 years ago
i cried
Meow Knight
1 years ago
Alternatively we can remove two permanent monsters, and that would have the columns line up too.
1 years ago
i'm for adding instead of subtracting
Meow Knight
1 years ago
Anyway, many thanks to Jormy, and congrats to Krystal on the promotion!
1 years ago
YES sorry that. my brain is mush today so i jumped straight to shitposting my bad
Meow Knight
1 years ago
As a regular shitposter, I would've been very tempted to do that too. I understand the sentiment completely. A 24th perma monster is........... free real estate.........
HAHAH I knew it I knew Krystal was venom mod I had a TINGLE, A FEELING
Congrats on the upgrade!!
1 years ago
also yes congrats! \o/
thank you, I've been doing my best, I just wanted to write spooky events and started and did not stop for.....two years.........
Meow Knight
1 years ago
Can confirm that Krystal has been responsible for many spooky aspects of events.
1 years ago
Thanks Jormy and congrats Krystal!
im very spooky generally so
Turtle Soup
1 years ago
congrats Krystal
1 years ago
icky horse 🐴
1 years ago
so happy for u krystal
ty I hope to keep doing what I'm doing, putting all your characters through hell
the owo pokemon
1 years ago
congrats krystal! \o/
1 years ago
noice, congrats krystal lol. i'm also going to ponder the question on the OOC/IC logs, because it feels like there would be a way to split the difference to save some time without all the cons, but, ponderment required. shall let y'all know if something pops to mind
1 years ago
grats krystal and thanks for all your hardwork, jormy!
♰ Javert ♰
1 years ago
1 years ago
Grats Krystal!
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