9 months ago
here's my fashionably late food-related hot take: beef is whatever
latest #31
A Simple Bear
9 months ago
It's simply

9 months ago
people going on and on and on about perfectly cooked steak and I'm like
9 months ago
that sure is a slab of meat
A Simple Bear
9 months ago
Fil-eh Mignon
9 months ago
I just don't think it tastes good enough to justify all the hassle you have to go through to get it cooked in an edible fashion
9 months ago
My brother like "but if you cook it longer it gets TOUGH" and I'm like my guy, it is tough anyway
A Simple Bear
9 months ago
I liked beef back when I ate meat, but I totally agree tbh
9 months ago
I would prefer tough and not weirdly slimy
A Simple Bear
9 months ago
As long as it was cooked and tasted nice, I couldn't care less what kind of beef/cut it was!
9 months ago
I mean it's okay? I like some ACTUALLY cooked steak once in a while, I'll eat hamburger, it's fine
9 months ago
but nine times out of ten I will go for pork or chicken
9 months ago
they're tastier and nobody tries to tell you you're supposed to eat them raw
9 months ago
9 months ago
in general I would prefer things overdone to underdone
9 months ago
except vegetables which I'd rather not have cooked at all
9 months ago
cooking weirds veggies
9 months ago
thank you for coming to my cud ted talk
Adrien Molyneux
9 months ago
I agree 👍 Although I don't like steak overdone because it's harder for my remaining teeth to chew, 9 times out of 10 when given an option, I just cook chicken. That includes tacos, which are just fine with shredded chicken instead of beef.
9 months ago
I am just the opposite. I love my red meat and only go for chicken and pork because it's generally less expensive.
9 months ago
I'm ambivalent on beef but my body's very regular on (apparently) needing it very badly or else I get ill
9 months ago
I said ill but I mean very weak
9 months ago
It's better now that I no longer have periods, but it used to be like clockwork "oh shit, I'm super weak, oh now it's my period, guess it's time to have a stupid burger"
9 months ago
insufficientdata yeah, anemia bites :-(
9 months ago
Bifrostdefender I love you and your thoughts are incomprehensible to me
9 months ago
I do like to joke that I am 3 lizards in a human suit. The lizardy mind is a confusing place!
9 months ago
Confusing, yet bloodthirsty
9 months ago
but you do you! more tasty pig for me
9 months ago
I feel you. I do like some beef, but for me it's "hunks of meat" are whatever, be it a hunk of beef, pork, or chicken. Never been a steak guy, not a huge fan of pork chops, and a slab of chicken doesn't do it for me.
9 months ago
But I like meat in smaller pieces amongst lots of spices and veges and pasta and such.
9 months ago
Basically, I'm a Big Band kind of eater more than a solo act. I need them all creating a beautiful melody together in my mouth.
9 months ago
I love my stews, curries, sandwiches, stir fries, etc
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