latest #187
halfbaked bekka
8 months ago
dang, why u grabbing me
biwa wa biwa
8 months ago
xq is ugly
8 months ago
🎨 ıɐɓuǝ⊥
8 months ago
what am i doing? what's happening? who knows! but i do have a couple tags to do. which will hopefully get done over the weekend
new character-kun is indefinitely being set on the back burner. next week's work exception report is over one hundred forty pages and i don't have my doctor's appointment until the following week. i can only hope that if i drop it'll be at work so that a coworker can mop me up
xq is ugly
8 months ago
Things are happening and stuff!!! And don't worry I'll teleport there and mop you up. But hopefully things don't get bad. Also I forgot to ask but do you want help with the icons for new character-kun?
as of right now i'm not sure. i'll wait to see after my appointment . and just focus on nazuna for the time being
xq is ugly
8 months ago
Gotchu em. Hopefully you'll feel better soon.
thanks you eri. i still intend to tag your bakura toplevel even though it'll be with nazuna if that's okay?
xq is ugly
8 months ago
Listen! Anything you send me I will appreciate because I just want to play internet barbies with you. And just the time you take to talk to me and play with me means a lot. That's more important. So yes send me Nazuna.
you're always so sweet. it's easier to talk a bit more and kinda write again because of what you've done for me. so i owe it all to you
xq is ugly
8 months ago
You're super sweet too and I really love you friend! I am super grateful we got to meet and reconnect. You're very important in my life. And nah you don't owe me anything. We're friends! So ofc I'll help you.
xq is ugly
8 months ago
everyone has been super supportive so i am very fortunate to know good people in this space
xq is ugly
8 months ago
I am glad you got good people.
can't act like i won't toplevel if a nye meme gets posted though. i know i am a clown
xq is ugly
8 months ago
Aren't we all clowns deep down inside
some of us are funnier than other clowns
xq is ugly
8 months ago
That's actually true. Maybe I can be a funny clown someday.
robin 🩷
8 months ago
i hope you're enjoying your time off hikawoo!
robin 🩷
8 months ago
oh! it hasn't happened yet. my bad
i feel i make one of these plurks every other month and that's just sad. if! but! coconut! it's just getting my physical self in order will have everything fall into place
🎨 ıɐɓuǝ⊥
8 months ago
me and our threads where always be there when you can and/or want to pick them up
🎨 ıɐɓuǝ⊥
8 months ago
I want you to feel better more tho
🎨 ıɐɓuǝ⊥
8 months ago
2024. it's gonna be the year i bust through walls and don't have to worry about repercussions so much. or i bleed out. either or. i am determined to go wild
🎨 ıɐɓuǝ⊥
8 months ago
Smooshes nazuna’s precious face
🎨 ıɐɓuǝ⊥
8 months ago
One day I’m gonna forget not to and I’m gonna tag him w hajime
🎨 ıɐɓuǝ⊥
8 months ago
memory?? who needs it!! 2024
🎨 ıɐɓuǝ⊥
8 months ago
Sometimes I almost do on gen texts and stuff and I’m like oh wait nvm
🎨 ıɐɓuǝ⊥
8 months ago
tbf it's a minor thing so no worries if you do forget
🎨 ıɐɓuǝ⊥
8 months ago
productivity! productivity! next year
🎨 ıɐɓuǝ⊥
8 months ago
Pokes his hair accessories
we love hair things that may be a little impractical
🎨 ıɐɓuǝ⊥
8 months ago
he's so distracting even when hajime is right there
🎨 ıɐɓuǝ⊥
8 months ago
the like hint of gremlin on his face
he's the smack talking leader
🎨 ıɐɓuǝ⊥
8 months ago
i lvoe him
someone has to
thank you for the continued patience. only one more day of old year same shit before new year same shit
robin 🩷
8 months ago
biwa wa biwa
8 months ago
the years start comin and they dont stop comin and they dont stop comin and they dont stop comin and they dont stop comin and they dont stop comin with the same old shit
the buns start comin and they don't stop comin and they just keep on comin and there's a lot of buns and they don't stop comin and they won't stop comin and
biwa wa biwa
8 months ago
what a world such would be
robin 🩷
8 months ago
it'd be a better world
biwa wa biwa
8 months ago
a bunner world
robin 🩷
8 months ago
oh to be a buny boy in a bunner world
🎨 ıɐɓuǝ⊥
8 months ago
Me just staring at seme in all caps
🎨 ıɐɓuǝ⊥
8 months ago
I miss bunny boy
biwa wa biwa
8 months ago
missing a letter
biwa wa biwa
8 months ago
he's not gone. he's just asleep
sorry for that horrible typo *bnnuy
🎨 ıɐɓuǝ⊥
8 months ago
three hours until the new year. which means i am still the old me and am going to bed right meow. gotta get through the work week. if tags don't happen tomorrow? tuesday? then hopefully i will get to them during the weekend
xq is ugly
8 months ago
Make the old you the new you! By putting new on everything!!! Have a good night friend!!! And hope work week is kind! Happy new year!!!
today is dad's birthday
nazuna's favorite color is pink, apparently. all the more reason to put his character color back X-(
i have mostly caught up with the couple tags i have. which means. time to restart that cycle of tagging out only to inevitably drown in my inbox when wednesday rolls around 🧠
depending on how my monday appointment goes i think i'll start considering something more seriously for golden peacock's february round of apps. assuming apps will open then since opening round was kind of intense
for better or for worse i am kicking around a twst. i think a friend telling me how i wrote him sounded way different than nazuna and that was enough to have me become an even bigger egomaniac
though the shorter option is also on the table
i just don't want to get overinvested in something if i am not able to commit! because i'm good at that
apple lover
8 months ago
"for better or worse" "a twst"
I think it might just be worse. twsts are the worst.
if monday ends up being eeEEEeeeeeeh then i'll probably opt to just do some psls with nazuna and whoever is brave enough to put up with him
whaaaaat! no way! twsts are like cinnabon! great but not good for you
okay so maybe twsts are the worst
apple lover
8 months ago
The worst!!
the for better or for worse is actually more about if someone else plans on apping that character. i'd rather them do so. i'd hate to try when the other person would probably be more dedicated to the cause
apple lover
8 months ago
Aww, yeah, I get that.
apple lover
8 months ago
I also get that kind of "I'd rather play off a Vil than play Vil myself" feeling.
just. the one comment of approval and the fact i've been holding onto this journal for over two years has me all yeah i can totally do this!!
oh yeaaaaah that's definitely me. i'd rather play off twsts than play one myself
ngl i did half expect you to app rook but there's no losing here since all twsts are the worst
apple lover
8 months ago
See, that's exactly it! I probably would app Rook if I knew someone would actually app Vil.
apple lover
8 months ago
Because there's probably even less Rooks than Vils.
apple lover
8 months ago
Fewer. *Fewer
the fact you are able to play everyone in pomefiore astounds me
you should have apped epel just to do something about the status quo
apple lover
8 months ago
I don't think I play a particularly good Rook, but I do try. The high energy destroys me at times.
apple lover
8 months ago
Like, I can't imagine someone playing a Mitsuru with his high energy, either.
rook is such an enigma, honestly
i feel mitsuru would be easier to handle. the energy is high but i can say confidently that i understand. i love rook but i don't know if i for sure have the pieces put together on him
i think with cay-kun i was too worried of making him sound nazuna-y-ish since they have a couple overlapping traits. so that has been holding me back. besides the whole worried about making myself look like a dumbass in front of other people who play from the same canon. that being said i am pretty sure i'd rather tag a cater than play him
apple lover
8 months ago
I'd be happy to play off of whoever you're playing, whether it's Nazuna or Cater or serial-killer-Trey.
au where everything is the same but i play trey. imagine that
apple lover
8 months ago
Trey "Normal" Clover. Imagine!
lbr even if monday goes well master chef is gonna set me back LAUGHS
i am still convinced trey is the worst. like. whose hobby is brushing their teeth and they're normal
apple lover
8 months ago
Yesss please share pics when you get to it because I'm not always paying attention to JP.
ofc i will!! i'll probably keep it in the new year plurk i got right now since i haven't been spamming it too much
all this talk and i'll just app nazuna
god no it's either cater or yuugi. sorry nazuna it's 2024
apple lover
8 months ago
Yuugi. What. Pfft.
yes. he likes games
apple lover
8 months ago
Nazuna could go in and totally huddle in a corner not playing the game.
he'd make the most useless coat rack if he got turned into stone because of how hellbent on resisting he'd be
apple lover
8 months ago
Person: /wonders whose bright idea it was to make a 5-foot coat rack
nazuna would be embarrassed by his own virginity so ofc being an uncomfortable armrest is just more appealing
if i end up apping nazuna it'll be your fault
apple lover
8 months ago
If you end up apping Nazuna he can come up to Vil's nice rooms (which he will hopefully still have unless he screws up badly).
unless he screws badly ( canned laughter )
apple lover
8 months ago
It would be cool if you apped in, regardless! I have no idea if you've actually been in a game.
i have not been in a game in practically ten years?? i did have nazuna in deerington technically but i wouldn't count that
the last few years i have not had the most uuuh reliable streak of tagging back within a timely fashion. so i definitely don't seem like game material as is ahaha!
apple lover
8 months ago
Honestly, I'm trying in spite of my really bad record with tagging speed and priority. It's been weird, but I've had a handful of people pop up again on my timeline after being gone for at least a year saying they're going to try RP again.
apple lover
8 months ago
There's something in the air in 2024...
dragon!! that's in the air. or. uh. it's gonna be
i feel like that squidward meme as i was seeing people on the tdm and i was just man i want to. be fun. or something
hopefully 2024 will be good for all of us in the roleplay department!
ugh i'm gonna app nazuna to this damn game aren't i. i really wanted to play a new character because playing the same character for nearly seven years is ridiculous. but i'm just "gee i never played him in a game before"
apple lover
8 months ago
Honestly, I'm playing Vil in the game because I feel I've got a good enough grasp of his character to put him in weird situations. And he's got good threads samples for the app because I've been playing him for over a year. But there's definitely an appeal to playing a new character going in! I just couldn't personally do it for a smut game.
xq is ugly
8 months ago
play yugi so that bakura looks at him and is like... i'm going to kill him later in the last arc
xq is ugly
8 months ago
jokes on him tho
your vil is delightful so i am super glad that you apped him even though i can't rubberneck from here. i hope you can keep up with the game. if i apped nazuna i figure i should take him from !! since that's the current canon. but i mostly play him from ! so i wouldn't have samples illustrating !! so i'd still have to do stuff on that front
joke's on him if the last arc never comes
xq is ugly
8 months ago
the last arc is pushed back because of new filler episode so he is left waiting at his little table longer. what was his plan again? actually it will never come because i'll stare at my hands and realize... two characters in a game??? that's crazy.
"new episodes every week" vibes
🎨 ıɐɓuǝ⊥
8 months ago
/reaching for nazuna always
🎨 ıɐɓuǝ⊥
8 months ago
and yuugi
🎨 ıɐɓuǝ⊥
8 months ago
/yeets myself away
xq is ugly
8 months ago
Well, whoever you decided I will play with you after ten thousand years... what was the last thing we did... the denny's thing?
if this is the timeline where i app in a game then i'll just stick to the one character. because i know for sure i wouldn't be able to balance more than one. crazy to think that i had ion in a game and was playing stahn on the side in 2013
was it? i am not sure... i thought it was kissing booth
xq is ugly
8 months ago
Oh wait maybe you are right and denny's was before that.
xq is ugly
8 months ago
That was another you. 2013 feel like a century ago. Cannot believe Leon and Ion became siblings back then.
i cannot believe leon and norma had romantic potential. i love tales of radiant mythology
🎨 ıɐɓuǝ⊥
8 months ago
i will always want to play with you e-e
let's hope for the best timeline for roleplay then!
xq is ugly
8 months ago
uioyhfoiyh you do this but i was thinking about it right now. what could have been. aaaaa i miss that norma. they were nice. they could have been kissing and ion could have been third wheeling.
i was rubbernecking that development. they were sincerely cute. i hope the player is doing okay out there. and, honestly, you're right about ion third wheeling. he was already doing that with ygo michael
xq is ugly
8 months ago
Same! I hope they are doing fine. Sometimes I am tempted to reach out to say hello because they were so nice and good. uhhh but I don't want to seem weird.
xq is ugly
8 months ago
ygo michael... wait
you should totally say hello!!
not the card. one of the many zexal kids that were there when we were there
xq is ugly
8 months ago
i think i kind of remember one of them. sorta, i may have tagged them.
xq is ugly
8 months ago
and uhhh okay i will do it
you probably did. it felt like the yuuma tagged a lot of people
xq is ugly
8 months ago
if she thinks i'm crazy i'll tell you
xq is ugly
8 months ago
it was probably yuuma
yes, good! i mean they are probably still sweet and i figure they'd be super stoked to hear from you after such a long time
yuuma or maybe kotori since she also was out there. i feel the michael was good about tagging too tho. just. like. they had practically ten people at one point in their cast
xq is ugly
8 months ago
i am pretty sure it was a guy one. i could probably look it up. buuuuut let me look at norma.
it was probably yuuma. i can easily imagine him grating leon's nerves in the fun way
xq is ugly
8 months ago
Most likely! Okay there sent message.
fingers crossed!!
xq is ugly
8 months ago
can't believe i am gonna continue inflicting nazuna on the unsuspecting public. but i can
xq is ugly
8 months ago
I saved a spot for him right next to me.
that was meant to go to the enstars plurk but honestly the charas are kind of roleplaying so uh this is fine
gonna get a chest xray tomorrow because the doctor doesn't seem to know what's up
xq is ugly
8 months ago
shakes hand at doctor
now i am realizing my doctor didn't give me the script for the xray. so i am going to have to call his office because i don't want to go to the other place only to be told i need a physical thing
i am torn between whether or not i hope something shows up on this. if something does show i want it to be fixable enough
thank you for the continuous continued continuing patience
xq is ugly
8 months ago
Just take care of yourself!!!!
ok i lied i am getting the x-ray today
holds your hands!!!
xq is ugly
8 months ago
See you after X-rays
thanks my guys
i got them done! supposedly they will be sent to my doc by the end of the day
robin 🩷
8 months ago
xq is ugly
8 months ago
So glad they're done!
apparently the chest xray didn't show anything
which is good? i think? but the pain is beginning to kind of ruin my life a little
and i'm apparently 160.02 cm. like????
i'm glad they didn't find anything bad but i don't want you to be in pain ;n;
it'll be okay! i made it through all them other times! i am just being whiny
i do like when nazuna gets called out for being nazuna
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