Math Mage
9 months ago
So what if, in a three-dimensional space, Time is the 4th dimension? That would mean, if a 4D space, time is the 5th dimension, yeah?
latest #37
🎨 ıɐɓuǝ⊥
9 months ago
Math Mage
9 months ago
there are two thoughts on the 4th dimension
Math Mage
9 months ago
we live in the third dimension
Math Mage
9 months ago
time is the 4th
Math Mage
9 months ago
string theory goes up to ten or eleven.
Math Mage
9 months ago
but in some maths, the forth dimension just adds another direction to the three we can go
Math Mage
9 months ago
height, width, and depth
Math Mage
9 months ago
Math Mage
9 months ago
I like to combine the two theories.
Math Mage
9 months ago
both theories go with the XYZ (H, W, D)
Math Mage
9 months ago
but disagree on the 4th
🎨 ıɐɓuǝ⊥
9 months ago
you’re so smart
Math Mage
9 months ago
nah, I just think too much
🎨 ıɐɓuǝ⊥
9 months ago
My brain is just like flatlined
🎨 ıɐɓuǝ⊥
9 months ago
Reading that
Math Mage
9 months ago
to be fair, I should be asleep and probably not making much sense atm
Math Mage
9 months ago
math is a lot of fun. When you're not getting graded on it.
🎨 ıɐɓuǝ⊥
9 months ago
Yeah. In theory I get that but my brain definitely not wired for math at all. n-n
9 months ago
have you played zero escape? if not then you should
9 months ago
9 months ago
so... really the question is what kind of dimensions you have
9 months ago
if you have four space-like dimensions and one time-like dimension, then yeah, it'd fairly natural to regard time as the 5th (although i guess there's no reason you couldn't give it any other number you want to)
9 months ago
but you could just as well have 2 space-like dimensions and 2 time-like dimensions, theoretically
9 months ago
"three space-like dimensions and one time-like dimension" is mostly enforced by the anthropic principle, i.e. that matter and energy with the rules we know can only really exist in three space-like dimensions and one-time like dimension
9 months ago
like iirc there's theory strongly implying that you can't have complex dynamic structures (e.g. molecules) with two time-like dimensions
9 months ago
likewise, in anything but 3D-space, you can't have light propagation, and quantum mechanics gives elementary particles very different behaviors
Math Mage
9 months ago
Okay, I didn't know that last bit.
Math Mage
9 months ago
That's fascinating I wanna know more
9 months ago
Basically, in 3D space, Maxwell's equations say among other things that if you have a changing electric (or magnetic) field pointing in one axis and propagating in another, that field also generates a changing magnetic (or electric) field pointing in the axis perpendicular to both the first field and the axis of propagation
9 months ago
so if you have an electric field wiggling up and down, and you look at it from the north, you'll see it also generates an east-west oscillating magnetic field, which in turn makes an up-down electric field, etc
9 months ago
problem being, a cross product (the vector operation that shows up in Maxwell's equation, relating the field geometries to the field variation) doesn't... really work in 4D
9 months ago
trying to make a cross product of two vectors in 4D would have to be a surface rather than a vector, so light as a mutually-reinforcing oscillation between two coupled fields just doesn't really work
9 months ago
you'd need some very different physics to make anything at all light-like
Math Mage
9 months ago
I love learning stuff like this.
Math Mage
9 months ago
My original plan was to be a scientist, but in middle school I decided I wanted to be a writer instead.
9 months ago
i think i remember reading there's another order where you can construct a cross product again, like 7D or something? don't remember the details tho
9 months ago
ahaha relatable, it's hard to choose... orz
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