Who on Earth took this username already who else would have thought of this.
latest #17
skulltaffy 💀
9 months ago
oh noooo and it's an empty journal too...
skulltaffy 💀
9 months ago
you could try pm'ing them? i've gotten one or two that way
Spooky Thoughts
9 months ago
ooh no!! I thought you'd gotten it!!
profile says it was made literally two days ago
did someone snipe it? or did you actually create it during your attempts but glitches never sent you an email?
skulltaffy: I'll give that a try and am crossing my fingers so, so much.
schematise: It hurts so much to see this username be taken and not used, ahhhh.
KabochaKitsune: I can't make an account at all since my country's IP is blocked from doing that in DW's attempt to halt spam accounts, sadly, so I know for sure it wasn't me.
Denise offered to get me a registered account but when I said I wanted that, they said it wasn't up for grabs which was a shock for me to hear. Urrrrgh please reply to my PM, mystery taker.
skulltaffy 💀
9 months ago
oh ugh i didnt know your area got swept up in the spam account thing, that sucks
Yeah!! It's even weirder since my country isn't even listed in the official announcement. Just bundled in. If I don't get a reply, I can try to ask for a friend's username that I think is a good one for her.
oh no :c
hopefully it's a wild coincidence and they'll be willing to pass it along
KabochaKitsune: A small update: They did reply to me and offered to give it and I expressed my interest but nothing so far...... Please let me have this username for my D&D girl. ; ;
;-; fingers crossed!!!!
skulltaffy 💀
9 months ago
here's hoping!!
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