☀️ ceeshine!
9 months ago
what characters from my muselist do you most associate with me??
latest #25
☀️ ceeshine!
9 months ago
it's been 2 years since ive been in a game but listen......
🎵 mish
9 months ago
Always Sayori !!
oh you know.
9 months ago
........ if we're talking strictly DWRP and not tabletop. Cee. i'm so sorry but it'd probably be england bc that was the CR where we met.
☀️ ceeshine!
9 months ago
oh it's gonna be england for a LOT of people on my timeline
☀️ ceeshine!
9 months ago
i will count tabletop for this tho. I say it's allowed
☀️ ceeshine!
9 months ago
there is the england era and then the sayori era, truly
9 months ago
WELL WITH TABLETOP definitely sybil.
9 months ago
cee is just a cute pink tank to me
sayori foreves
☀️ ceeshine!
9 months ago
sybil definitely closer to the sayori end of the cee dichotomy for sure
☀️ ceeshine!
9 months ago
9 months ago
ebb & flow
9 months ago
england and sayori this is just how it is
if talking dwrp, then def sayori. if talking tabletop, kalmiya.
kalmiya in all her iterations lmao
pop off, plato
9 months ago
yeah england and sayori
☀️ ceeshine!
9 months ago
kalmiya my beautiful multiversal menace... also closer to the sayori end of the dichotomy
☀️ ceeshine!
9 months ago
england and sayori, not much in common except creative expression and self-loathing LMFAO
☀️ ceeshine!
9 months ago
sorry, dichotocee. do not want to let Kayla's good joke get lost
Sayori the most
☀️ ceeshine!
9 months ago
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