[6.4] I'm just bitching about Thaleia at this point, but I need to rant....
latest #20
7 months ago @Edit 7 months ago
Im getting to the point where i just... I hate Thaleia... Like I don't mind running it, but HOO BOY
So i have 3 characters I have to run it on
1. Thaleia is boring compared to the other two. Euphrosyne being the more enjoyable one for me. Because while it's still enjoyable (if you're not running it multiple times), it's not unique. The first 3 bosses, yeah those mechanics are unique and I appreciate that. But you get to the last boss, and it's rehashed mechs from the other two raids aside from
one move. I wish they had at least taken these older mechs and put a new spin on them. "it's this mechanic, but we're changing the way you have to do it slightly" yaknow? That I'd be down for and it would be the same thing while keeping it interesting
Queue pop so bitching more after
2. The drop rate is absolute garbage. Even Aglaia and Euphrosyne had better drop rates. If I had to do more because I didn't get the piece I needed, at most - in extreme cases - I'd have to run it maybe 4-5 times? And half of that time it was "it dropped, but I was on the wrong job & rolled like crap" Just for this week alone so far? I've guesstimated havin
done this around... 24 times now? G'raha I had to do it 14 times. Oh, but was that from gear dropping and other people got it? No. It never showed up until that point. I just want it to drop for Meteion so I can be fucking done already. Loot just straight up DOES NOT DROP. I would be more forgiving if I just sucked at rolling, but no.
3. What the fuck are these queue times? The last few days that I've been trying to do these, even as a healer (by accident earlier), I've been getting 30 min queue times to the worst being an hour and 40 minutes on G'raha. Primal's queue times are not usually that bad, TBH, in all the stuff I've queued for with G'raha, but wow. It's just been 30-1 hr long
queues there and even today where I have Meteion on Aether, it's 20-30 mins. It's getting better since time of day, but earlier was definitely 30+ then too. I get it's further in the week and people probably got their stuff already but...
4. OH but that said... The amount of times today that we've lost people in the raid today is ridiculous. The last 3-4 runs I've done, I've had one or two people leave in the middle of the raid when... coincidentally it's right after a loot phase. Hmmm... Definitely not people getting a piece of loot and then leaving when they get it. Not at all.
Which honestly, at this point, it's pretty damn tempting to do, even if it is shitty. But that would only work if the one I need dropped first rofl.
I guess the plus side is that while I've been waiting for long queues, I've been working on my island on Animal Crossing finally rofl. IDK....
I just need to stop being picky and just grab whatever at this point, I know, but I just need ONE THING. And then I can go back to just grabbing whatever comes my way then...
IDK I do need dinner so.... I guess it's a break for me again
7 months ago @Edit 7 months ago
I just don't want to have to spend FOREVER trying to get my drops....
it wouldn't be so bad if I just sucked at rolling and it did actually drop. Then I can blame my shitty RNG
I guess I still can, but UGHHH
7 months ago
Thaleia definitely feels long compared to the first two.
7 months ago
like, with the Nier raids I was doing the last one every single week for my coin and actually having fun with it, but doing Thaleia feels kinda like a chore
7 months ago
(this may partially be because my fc was also still pretty active during 5.x but right now it's a Fucking Ghost Town)
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