rent would get ten nominations at the 50th tony awards, for some reason only god knows, while winning four awards
shaq would get to utter the words "let's green egg and ham it" for a 1996 audience in what would be a box office bomb
1996 would also be the year where disney would drop a movie that'd dictate my personality, marking the beginning of a four year streak of me going trick or treating as esmeralda
madhouse released their film adaptation of x in 1996. honestly it's kind of entertaining for maybe the wrong reasons. but. honestly. worth a watch
inuyasha's run in shogakukan's weekly shounen sunday began in 1996, which i'd get to read the ending of in 2008 a la fan translations typed out on some website. thanks random people on the internet for doing that
shueisha's weekly shounen jump had twelve titles start up in 1996
if you made it this far then i can take off the fake mustache and tell you
this is a yugioh manga plurk 🎉
i am going to read this manga for a third time for obviously very Important reasons because trying to skip around has proved to be a pain. note to future me: have a better system set up when you reread anything with more than a hundred chapters
p.s. don't get invested in something that's longer than a hundred chapters because i'm simply incompetent
i'll always be a big fan of how yuugi is okay with carrying around this fancy old box like it's no big whoop. bit i know i was also kind of like that when i was younger. before i became very much let's not touch or use things ever
can you solve this riddle?! this treasure can be seen but you haven't seen it! the answer is obviously the portrayal of most of my otps ever
i can't believe that season two episode of spongebob ripped off the first few pages of the ygo manga. wow
i do feel like all of yuugi's flubbing early on is important. at the end, he gives credit to his 'other self' for being able to make friends. but honestly yuugi just talking a bit more with anzu on his own really set things in motion. anzu clearly isn't the game nerd type but she does consistently show up trying to be supportive of what yuugi likes
i am kind of assuming that maybe yuugi doesn't want to push other people into what he likes so was just kind of hands off in that regard. so when his 'other self' tells him that it was yuugi who made his friends, i do think he's right
i know the writing is just feeling itself out but yuugi's grandpa putting money into yuugi's backpack over the whole ushio thing is honestly kind of funny. like. what are we doing

from this day forward, yuugi will be encouraged to wear some choker and his school uniform as often as possible
"we're going to play a game" we love a catchphrase
ah yes loved this scene in aliens
other yuugi kind of stops doing this after the monster of the week formula when the monster of the week formula stopped... but i guess also because after beating pegasus in duelist kingdom it's just "well maybe this shit is bad"
i do love the little word play with yuujou/friendship. obviously it's intentional but i'm a sucker when my life's plot calls for it. turns out the thing that can be seen but hasn't been seen was yuugi's and jounouchi's friendship all along. and not my years of ships that never properly manifested
"look! there's a television van parked outside the school gate!" seeing it's 1996 the only possible explanation to that is that gale weathers made it over to domino city
i like that yuugi is in class 1B. it has nothing to do with anything but reminds me of one of my fave enstars substories where tsukasa is trying to tell the rest of his class that someone said that the B in 1B stood for brainless and tori is all who said that??? "everyone!" but no one besides tsukasa even heard of it before

bitch can remember all this but not remember his own name smh
it's like all he knows is games and breathing!
i'm not funny enough to come up with my own jokes so i gotta make references. them's the breaks
hanasaki: the kid even the manga forgot
i can't act like i feel a whole lot about him. like. i never had this fleeting thought of "it's a shame he isn't here" but i also didn't dislike him. the bit with his dad was a little emotion inducing
the idea of kids being afraid of having to be forced to go to karaoke only to not get to sing and be objected to some guy's vocals for hours on end is kind of hilarious. but also kind of what i feel it'd be like to go to those holiday recitals at school once a month. except the poor kids on stage are their own kind of miserable
so i guess nothing like that at all
i apologize to every person ever who has been forced to perform sleigh ride and having to hear kids in the audience try to clap along only to fucking fail miserable and be off beat
"i shall become the school's number one idol!"
jounouchi unlocking the plot to ensemble stars. coincidentally, he does share a seiyuu with shu. who would be yumenosaki's number one for a little while so that's a small world
hanasaki's commenting on perceiving yuugi as "gloomy" is always interesting. but it does feel early on that yuugi doesn't quite hold himself upright. hunching over to not be perceived definitely gives vibes
"it will be a 'live' of blood!"
- surprisingly not tenshouin, 1996
"first i'll turn ra*bits into a bloodbath, and then i'll execute the corrupted akatsuki."
- actually tenshouin, 2016

livin like larry
so it's not like the funniest things ever but i always enjoy this kind of gag
the idea of anzu managing to scoot out of view holding that pose is amusing
i do like that anzu goes all in and doing "risky" things for stuff that matters to her. her working to save up for going overseas is always an admirable feat. like. it's nice to be dedicated to something
oh the dramatic irony when she tells her friends not to go to the place she works or anywhere because there's a criminal on the loose only for her to get held as a hostage only because she had her job that she shouldn't have had to begin with!
the guy requesting "lucky stripe" cigarettes has me wondering if it's a parody on lucky strike

for some reason this is one of my favorite "games" for no rhyme or reason
and i said reason two times in a sentence. hoooo boy we gotta get me actually reading what i say before i hit enter
that wasn't even a shadow game
given that yuugi is skeptical of kokurano's clairvoyance, it's funny that he was kind of suckered in by stuff before. but i guess because he's not thinking with his dick this go around
ngl i think the chloroform might be enough on the grounds of arrest

this one is just so funny. it's like the writing decided bugs bunny and daffy duck were the ones playing the game
sugoroku saying he got his wife with a puzzle back in the "old days." that's some oneshot i would love to be a thing tbh. even though i am pretty sure it's just some story he makes up to sell a blank puzzle to people
oh to be such a simple creature
ngl with miho/ribbon-chan, something about the concept kind of reminds me of the little red head girl from peanuts. although we actually see ribbon-chan's face after a few pages of just her head
but i was also specifically reminded of a plot in the comic strip of charlie brown trying to buy gloves for peggy jean. which was adapted into that it's christmas time again special. peggy jean was given red hair so i thought she was the little red head girl but the comic definitely had them as two separate characters
this tangent doesn't have anything to do with anything

while i think i understand the intent this one can't really be considered a game, can it??
i'm still a little eh on this one
the setup was interesting but the game was just sort of eh. it is kind of funny that ribbon-chan rejected honda but i don't know if i imagined her actually accepting after all that
i think ribbon-chan was more of a main character in the 1998 anime. which is an interesting choice. well. the design is cute so i can understand kind of maybe
ah. yes. the like mike chapter of ygo
what happened to jonathan lipnicki anyway
i like that honda and joujou's big hair are all "revenge" and yuugi is just sure why the fuck not. we're all in this together. like east high's wildcats
"i know that you hired hunters to steal the sneakers!"
these hunters will be different from the other hunters
where did jounouchi get the money to get these shoes in the first place. i know he got them for half off. but. like. this bitch doesn't have any money
what we won't do for a pair of shoes
is it really winning if one of the shoes gets a hole in it? jounouchi seems to think so. what a guy
i am now wondering if i hallucinated when i read this manga the first time. because i took notice of something when i read it the second time but now i am just bothered
i know for an absolute fact. whatever i had read the first time referred to this card game as magic & wizards. that was definitely the name for this card game before it'd be duel monsters. and i could have sworn the back of the cards in this arc had MW on them
but i cannot seem to find a version of chapter nine uploaded with m&w being a thing. everywhere has the cards as the duel monsters backs

while referring to the game as duel monsters, the 1998 anime had the cards with the MW back. so it existed somewhere. unless it was anime only?? but that wouldn't make sense
funny thing is that with either name they don't really encompass the whole concept of the game too well since you need both card types to have a good deck. i guess. who cares
but if anyone can confirm or deny of the MW backs of the cards in chapters nine and ten of the manga being used at any given point. that'd be really cool. i easily could be making shit up
"call me back when you've collected ten thousand cards..."
as if implying any of them would be strong. hehehe bullshit logic
yuugi being gullible enough to give kaiba his grandfather's card to look at explains why he'd be so silly enough to let haga look at exodia later on. i swear this kid has beans for brains
oho boy
ngl i wasn't a fan of how they adapted this scene in the 1998 anime. i watched that episode yesterday. and it had honda and jounouchi take it upon themselves to confront kaiba about the card, not yuugi
with yuugi waiting to confront him as opposed to doing it when kaiba initially yanked the card says a lot. yuugi was courteous enough not to call kaiba out in front of people and draw attention to them. like he's not trying to ask any trouble
i figure 1998 anime joujou and honda confronting him on the roof was just idk for the late afternoon shot

poor kaiba. real life logic doesn't work in a shadow game, apparently
"yuugi" assuring whoever that kaiba ain't dead is really nice of him. though i figure, for the most part, the monster of the week don't die. they're just playing on nightmare mode now
i feel i have seen yuugi get hit upside the head too many times over really dumb stuff. no wonder he's so naïve. he keeps getting the brains smacked out of him
welcome to the tokyo revengers portion of the manga
and for our next contestant
this highlights rather early on how good of a friend jounouchi is going to be. and, in spite of some moments of their own skepticism, honda and anzu are rather supportive in trying to help out with the jounouchi situation
i know it's still rather early in. but. i think, even though the initial arc perhaps may not be entirely consistent to following arcs, this setup is very valuable
like how i was about to say this might be the first time we see this "yuugi" without the ankh on his arm but that's an inconsistency, i think. we didn't see it in the puzzle one, assuming the shot was just too far, nor was it present for the sneaker. but then we did see it in the two parter with kaiba. so. YEAH
i'm not sure if it's good or bad that yuugi has the awareness not to tell people about his lapses in memory because it's too "weird" to talk about. but i remember being kind of impressed by him acknowledging it. i wasn't sure if that was just not gonna be a thing or what

it'd be seriously funny to think that he might have only started wearing his uniform everywhere to unconsciously satisfy the weird entity inside him
if kanekura's name was localized into something else then i think it'd be "obvious"
"why do i feel like a worried parent..." this sixteen year old asks himself about a puzzle that he's agreed to part with for the day. what a big brain, yuugi-kun
"carrying scales... he must be crazy" this sixteen year old tells himself when he has no fucking clue that he's seeing a ghost
i gotta wonder if this rich dude's title is incorrect because dude doesn't actually know stuff because he doesn't care. osiris is the god of death and not anubis, right?? to the search engine!!
but then the rich dude is reciting stuff in his head and dismissing it as a fairy tale. so it's just... okay. a mistranslation or just a blub on the character's part? or the writer's? it's a genuine nitpick and it ain't hurting me any. more worked up about the MW card backs
so cool of shadi to mix shit up and have someone host a game without yuugi

okay so going to ignore the fact that the same kid's borrowing porno from a friend has the brain space of a five year old in favor of something else
how does this soul thing work? the puzzle hasn't been returned to yuugi as of yet so why would the other door be there? unless, at this point, the "other" yuugi has taken up residence inside yuugi's mind even without the puzzle being with him. or if the puzzle just being in the right vicinity is enough?
i know after the instance with ryuuji's dad in diceland, other yuugi says he can only exist when yuugi wears the puzzle
and it seems like, yeah, the other yuugi can't perceive anything when the puzzle is separated from yuugi
unless it's supposed to mean that the spirit is attached to yuugi's body and not the puzzle like i've been falsely assuming
though also wondering if yuugi's soul separating from the body during the upcoming arc with bakura also may have rattled the rules a bit?
tbh i think i am overthinking something that is really simple and cannot admit to being a dummy for focusing on the wrong thing
"ow, my head. enough thinking!" samesies, yuugi
can't play from a canon if i don't understand how shit works 🧠
this is having me wonder...... does yuugi not know honda and jounouchi's given names? ahahaha man
shadi being all meet me on the roof. dude knows he's in a shounen manga. we can just do this shit down here can't we
we could have dangled anzu out a window of this floor

they say he's still running to this very day
if anything is to be said about this panel then i'm not smart enough to be the one to say it
what's fucked up is that yuugi hopes his little funky digital pet doesn't become like jounouchi because he wants it to stay obedient. he at least doesn't say it out loud but whomp whomp
but i guess jounouchi doesn't seem too keen on his pet becoming more cute like yuugi's
life is cruel. anzu's too cute to be eaten
that one shot was definitely its own thing. which isn't a complaint. just an observation. it's weird because it almost seems like it'd be a two parter given the nature of it not having any shadow game elements. maybe it was a virus? guess there's no way to know
ZOMBIRE TIME honestly the concept of zombire seems like something that would actually exist as a comic
"i brought some imported american zombire snacks!"
man maaaaaaaaaaaaaan
i do think it's rude of jounouchi to take it upon himself to put hanasaki's garage kit together. that doesn't belong to you!! and it tries to make it seem like hanasaki is the one being dumb for crying over it. it's like that episode of seinfeld where jerry wanted to play with his girlfriend's display of toys and didn't like she didn't want that
though jounouchi does apologize and hanasaki does get over it
this isn't anywhere near as bad as the seinfeld thing
"please stay friends with tomoya!"
"we'll always be friends with hanasaki-kun!"
this is gonna be awkward when the story is totally gonna forget about him
garage kits seem really difficult. putting together is their own monster that maybe is doable but i can't imagine painting too

let's play a game!!
the hanasaki two parter actually does end on a good note. and i'm glad. let's poor one out for him
"you're a high school student! aren't you a little old for this game!"
sorry, yuugi. even the kids who are your height see you aren't one of them
honestly, mokuba is a dead ringer for his brother. it's kind of funny. and unpleasant hahahaha
yuugi getting ganged up on by elementary schoolers is almost sad but i guess they're only picking on someone who is their size ( rimshot )

ok but i wanna know which finger
it doesn't add to anything. i just am invested in those pointless details
who would have thought yuugi would beat a child in this game! it does have me wondering how old mokuba is because the whole wearing the backpack with no uniform implies he's an elementary schooler
which isn't impossible? i think kaiba was ten when he challenged that dude to chess. so mokuba could easily be five or six and retain memory of the events and currently be in elementary school. i think

gee. i wonder who kai could possibly be. i have no clue
more importantly. who is ryu
i do think jounouchi hiding his two surprises in yuugi for his pockets to unleash on the monster of the week was cute. getting soda in the eyes has to be not super fun
i've only ever had it up my nose
mokuba is wearing a capsule monster shirt. what a fun callback to a few seconds ago
lbr joujou you probably wouldn't love high class food
and it seems we have reached the point where there is no flashy switch between yuugi and... other yuugi. we are evolving

aaaaaand it looks like this may just confirm the soul is in the body thing pre-tabletop zorc arc. because that's definitely still the other yuugi
or maybe it's not something that was actually given thought about because it's still pretty early on. so another case of me overthinking
imagine waking up to be this much of a fucking loser

those darn kids
if there's anything to take away from any of this it's that you should never ever play games with people