Oh no I have so many feelings about REDACTED and about AdaCol2 and Three and ART'S parried conciousness
(Also that glimpse of the first glimpse AdaCol2 gives them - of children around the edges of adult space makes me think of the creche bunker in TLOU LA
I think I just friendship murderbot/every AI
When it's like OH!!!! category: entertainment
Murderbot: oh my goodness let's TRADE
"It's linguistic drift," says ART. Ugh it knows everything!!!
I love the creepy isolation of the settlement and the further explanation of Murderbot's hatred of planets and
"They said they knew me from the video"
Supervisor Leonide being awful and SecUnit not knowing how to handle it
"That's a stupid and wrong plan" says Murderbot
The way Murderbot gets angry at AdCol2 when it thinks it's being silent on purpose
But actually AdCol2 was fighting off a hack and Murderbot feels so sympathetic to it when it learns tgat
And then Murderbot isn't angry when AdCol2 refuses what it asks for bc that would put AdCol2 and by extension its humans at risk
Murderbot: legit. OK folks I couldn't clear the second one
The venting to ART and ART refusing to enable the really negative and self destructive talk
That it puts the "I need to work on my own recovery first" boundary in place at the end!!!
Iris having a moment over the ART drone
Because Peri is fine of course but she just. needs a minute.
Yeeeeeeessssss it's great
That ART has a running argument abt machine intelligence and not attributing human motivation to them with its crew!
"oh my god peri we knoooooooooow"
Murderbot being so hard on itself about tiny slip ups like not narrating all its moves to the humans
That Murderbot is MORTIFIED by the sparkler emoji
Murderbot being mean to itself is so 🥺
Noooooo you're doing so goooooood
The one self emancipated secunit
That has decided not to leave yet
Murderbot: I get it, good luck
I DON'T EVEN KNOW that one is amazing
Murderbot's in ur base subverting ur secunits!!!
I love how it tries to delay it? But that one finds the code immediately
It doesn't, however, immediately go on a mass murder spree
Murderbot: so score I guess
it's remarkable how popular that option isn't!
I really wonder where SecUnit's repeated "it does happen" comes from.
Like. Even ComfortUnit didn't really want it or do anything like that. I mean. Granted SecUnit had killed its primary abuser and her inner circle but EVEN SO
It's the only one who's even gone there cathartic threats way
I mean. I get that Murderbot believes it it's just. What's driving that? You know?
Maybe it's just disclaiming in case any future humans come at it
it's classing units like itself who got hijacked/hacked by third parties
Since it seems likely to me that the Ganaka hack is part of what enabled as well as motivated it to jailbreak its module
and since it doesn't consciously remember most of that sequence of events
it might have tangled the two things together in its thinking
That does seem really likely- that it's a trauma inflected response from Ganaka.
Because it initially thinks the massacre might have happened because it hacked itself in order to murder everybody
And then it's like no I don't think I would have done that, but it could have malfunctioned on its own
The thing it says about the false memory - that its leg never got eaten but it thinks it saw that happen to a human and can't consciously recall it ---
it's not expecting to discover that it was externally hacked // oh man yeah
Kind of makes that seem more likely
it KNOWS now that what happened was not a result of its self-hack, but I don't know that it doesn't still FEEL like that was what happened
we know it has weird convoluted guilt about similar things
(It's so interesting bc it was the ConfortUnits who acted outside of programming in that event) (which SecUnit is so moved by and never identifies as rogue behavior even though I think if more people had survived they might have been in that kind of trouble)
(yeeeees there's SO MUCH TO UNPACK there)
Yeeeeeeeeeeesss it feels deeply responsible for that
especially since, like ComfortUnit, it probably HAD WANTED to murder some of those people beforehand
The stuff it says to ART about how it misrepented it to the crew - "someone safe"
It thinks of itself as a dangerous person in a way that has little to do with anything it's voluntarily done even though ok yes. It is dangerous.
(the ComfortUnits I think might not be as rigorously thought-policed as the SecUnits tho? Like humans don't care as much what they do when they're not "on duty")
(so the hub system lets them act more autonomously)
that's just a theory tho. we have even less info on those guys than we do on secunits not OUR secunits
The bit in the helpme.file where it contemplates murdering the handler and doesn't want to.
because while it has A LOT of fully justified anger, it doesn't actually enjoy hurting people any more than the next normal sapient
Yeah I think they've got to uh. Have some more freedom of range. Or the humans wouldn't- like. Sex workers are expected to perform social and emotional labor very fluidly and fluently.
SecUnit's awkward canned responses wouldn't cut it
(I mean murderbot is a vindictive little bastard sometimes just like I am, but I don't think I'd hurt most of the people I rant about hurting and I don't think it wants to either)
(That's very very suppressed emotion looking for some kind of outlet. And finding it in violent thoughts bc there are aren't a lot of outlets)
That and the daydreaming: especially about soaps
(I also love how the other super smart ship is all "hellooooo let's be friiiiiends" at Murderbot and ART is like "excuse the fuck out of you this is MY FRIEND" and Murderbot is all "you know who loves edutainment? Three.")
(It's deeply hilarious to me)
hahdslfjsd;a god I know SIBLING RIVALRY
I also love that Three loves edutainment
Just so so great. I love that it's watching all the school documentaries it can get