denkeni 分享
1 years ago
Gitcoin Grants 雖然已舉辦到第 19 個季度,在加密領域的公共財募資,整體規模顯有很大成長空間:
> Early in my career, I worked for an international development NGO. We received a $50 million grant from the Gates Foundation and my team grew to employ hundreds of people. At that organization, we didn’t really get out of bed for grants of less than $1 million. It was a completely different scale.
1 years ago
就是那位微軟創辦人的蓋茲基金會,捐贈一個國際非政府組織,一出手便是 5,000 萬美元。與之對比,Gitcoin Grants 19 的所有資金池總額(有數百個專案參與分配)也才 124 萬美元:Announcing: Gitcoin Grants 19 | Gitcoin Blog
除此之外,作者深入淺出地比較傳統與加密領域的公共募資,尤其看重加密領域的社群連結與參與感(Connectivity and Engagement)。The past, present and future of public goods funding
即將刊於:第 57 期