7 months ago
I feel sick. Getting too many LaraX requests when we're basically done with our production for the next month and a half already so that we could actually take a break over xmas
latest #17
7 months ago
Just communicate that you'll keep it in mind but you need time to yourself because you know, you are human and have a life outside the PC
Mmw Strangelove
7 months ago
The smartest thing Legacy did was include the deformer to fit it into Lara clothing. I didn't open the box - did LaraX not include one, too? Someone should make one. Or even just an alpha maybe (if it'd work) that hides the rounder bits.
Mmw Strangelove
7 months ago
Sorry it's such a mess. I'd just tell people it's in the 2024 timeline and you'll post if/when it's happening. You're allowed a break!
7 months ago
Take your time off. When you return and design for that body people will be so excited !
Take the time off and just announce that you’ll be doing Lara X for new releases in the new year. No shame on telling people that you’re organised with a release schedule weeks in advance.
7 months ago
Yeah I don't mind going back and adding support, I just NEED this break so bad lol
7 months ago
Telling people we'll support early 2024, we have first half of January done already
“Whilst we appreciate the recent influx in requests to support the new Lara X release, we have already produced our next scheduled releases which will take the Neve brand into the middle of January. This is to allow our team to fully relax and enjoy the upcoming holidays, which I am sure you can appreciate. Its planning like this that allows us to continue
7 months ago
Just Because have said similar. Personally I’m happy with whichever and love everything you make (plus.. larax isn’t THAT different that Lara clothes can’t be worn on it!)
to create the products and quality you love from Neve. We assure you that once we start our next release projects in 2034, Lara X will be included”
Polyester P
7 months ago
Give them a simple “please be patient when it comes to LaraX support :-)
7 months ago
Thanks everyone
7 months ago
Honestly I'm not ready for the switch either - bought too many clothes that fit the Lara Petite 5 haha
7 months ago
You and your team need to take a break. Time for self care.
Happy Holidays
Gogo ♔
7 months ago
How hard is a deformed to make?
7 months ago
It's okay. You take your break. I know that personally, I'm not going to be switching to LaraX until more brands make stuff but I'm in no hurry. Plus, I'll be happy to wait for a brand I love like Neve. I am not a big clothing shopper so I am pretty particular about what brands I buy and Neve is one I really enjoy.
7 months ago
Also, I wanted to tell you that I'm still wearing your Nylon Chucks shoes... They are so versatile and cute. https://images.plurk.com/P8H6LdRbu3bh80rjOS7Mp.png
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