1 years ago @Edit 1 years ago
https://images.plurk.com/2taOlD9Y5XGIBftnfD57Du.gif https://images.plurk.com/70SNP9jxDrUeuiLScFjNvP.jpg Tom is in! Sorry about him in advance, he's a lot. HE ALSO COMES WITH ALAN WAKE 2 SPOILERS SO IF YOU CARE TREAD LIGHTLY
latest #15
he's going to be down for literally any ritual any time, he's never going to wear a closed shirt unless it's for Acting, and you're going to have a hard time getting him to wear shoes.
He's going to be a bad barefoot influence on Zoey. (LOL) She loves running around barefoot when she can get away with it.
oh NO yeah he's gonna encourage that
anyway I have to be up and out of the house earlyish tomorrow to help move furniture so I probably won't set him up until tomorrow afternoon/evening
(work to do tonight)
but I'm jazzed to play him?
This is going to be so much fun!
1 years ago
I appreciate that he’s only willing to close his shirt For Art
Wayward Haze
1 years ago
Wayward Haze
1 years ago
he and Nat are gonna be friends I can tell
wherethefigslie: HE KNOWS WHAT HE'S ABOUT
hopepunk: PLEASE he's gonna be such a social butterfly
1 years ago @Edit 1 years ago
Alan Wake meets Thomas Zane Scene - Alan Wake 2 PS5ALAN WAKE 2 SPOILERS AND CWS FOR DRUGS AND ALCOHOL but if you wanna acquaint yourself with this guy.....here he is
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