1 years ago
Hey plurk, what's shaking? my dental surgery is tomorrow and holidays always make me anxious because I worry my gifts are not ENOUGH, but Thanksgiving was so incredibly lovely, I'm focusing on all the positives today
latest #22
The Sun Rises
1 years ago
I am glad you had a good thanksgiving and good luck on tooth surgery!! if you get super drugged out afterwards message me
1 years ago
I'm ok!! GL with the surgery, hope it all goes well! I'm doing holiday decorating and embroidery today
1 years ago
haha yeah, i don't think they'll put me under for this one but I'll be sure to
1 years ago
that's great! gah i still wanna learn embroidery so bad sometime. i must conquer my other sewing projects first but ohhhhh they're on the list. that's so cool
1 years ago
we're gonna put some decor up too
1 years ago
for Thanksgiving we had Brian's coworker who came here all the way from Bangladesh and another friend who fell in love in Madagascar, got married and came back the US with his wife, both have no family in America, so it felt extra special to share a fancy holiday dinner with them for their first experience.
1 years ago
it really was the perfect way to start gift giving season
The Sun Rises
1 years ago
awww!! oh that's so sweet!!
The Sun Rises
1 years ago
You were able to have a little family of choice!!
1 years ago
yeah! nothing more heartwarming than someone shyly trying new things and their face lighting up when they take a taste and suddenly want seconds. this was the best our pie and Turkey has ever come out too
1 years ago
i had to let my art blog languish for a week due to putting everything of the current project away to clean for the company but i want to restart it this week after i recover. supposedly I'll only need a day or so to get back on my feet
1 years ago
I've got one other digital art project to work on this week. but I'm hoping to offer a couple commish options by December again
1 years ago
i won't lie I'm sorely tempted to finally get an ipad. i think changing up my workflow with a different type of tablet (right now its just my desktop) will really improve my productivity and they're pretty affordable right now through my work. I've just always been taught to never spend money on yourself during the holidays so i keep feeling bad |D
1 years ago
though i did also tell myself i could have treat if i finally got through these 3 months of pain. mayhaps if I'm good and get all my projects done this week
1 years ago
Gift anxiety always gets me too, which is why I am infamous in my family for giftcards
1 years ago
what I do is give a giftcard with an 'idea' I had. So it shows I thought, but couldn't commit
1 years ago
(and thus they can also get something else too in case they changed their vibes or w/e)\
1 years ago
ooh yeah, that's not a bad plan. I've curbed it in sometime by shopping just intermittently throughout the year to get a small stash started but my husband's birthday is the 22nd so i have to always make sure i get extra for that too
1 years ago
boooo mum was supposed to bring our tree and decor back when she visited (we couldnt fit in in the moving truck when we left state) but all she left was a tub of broken branches that weren't even ours. which means our decor is long lost and we probably won't be getting back it before Christmas
1 years ago
i know its just a tree and knicknacks but maaaaan. i made a whole big thing about it being our first tree bought together as adults and starting our own collection of traditional bits and bobs that were distinctly ours and not just stuff handed down from our families to add to each year
1 years ago
hard not to be a little bummed i have to buy all new things again if i want any festivities this year T__T
1 years ago
all right, new decor has been got. I'll just have double the goodness if we ever find previous years next year
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