I found them in a lot of vintage darning yarn I got from an Etsy seller.
I assume they have something to do with sewing, darning, or mending given the lot they were in. There's a tiny hole through the ridge on the top.
And the edges are all scalloped.
They're pretty heavy, possibly even tempered glass or heavy plastic? idk.
are they flat on one side? if they're heavy, they might just be some sort of decorative fabric weight, but I can't tell if they're flat or round
One side has a very thin, flat ridge but they're both pretty small. I don't think they'd be very useful fabric weights. XD
My SIL said maybe they're for making pom poms or tassels, but she didn't know either.
you said they were heavy, so I was going off that. I've got a set that look like really heavy versions of those little glass rocks that go in plant pots
Yeah sorry, I meant heavy for their size. They're weighty but very small.
ooh, pom-pom makers seems possible!
toggle buttons?
the hole's in the right place/orientation
orrrr possibly some kind of bobbin/thread winder for a darning loom, since the rest of the lot was darning supplies
Yeah my brain's going buttons
Or the bobbin, yeah, that was the word I couldn't come up with
Ooh, a bobbin winder sounds like a possibility. It does look like you could wind thread around it. I've never used a darning loom so I don't know what you'd need with it.
This is my first time trying hand darning. I bought this batch since it seemed like a good way to start off my collection of darning thread with the basic colors.
they're lil tiny looms for darning flat sections
a lot of people use them for doing conspicuous mends
i mostly see them used with tapestry needles, but it's not a section of the craft world i'm deep into so idk the little details
Oh wow, I would never have guessed that! How cool!
Thank you for solving the mystery!
assuming it is solved!
love a good craft mystery