《 Ꭺꮮꮲꮋꮖꮪꮃꮻꮮꭼ 》
9 months ago @Edit 9 months ago
My premium paid has been finally renewed, so I'm about to make it everybody's problem
latest #62
SO UH... the TL;DR of Luna SotRP i guess?
or just state of luna period
For months I have been:
1) financially struggling
2) broke 3 times, nearly 4
3) having job problems between finding one that doesn't treat me like shit/just finding one in my economy
this stuff i have talked about occasionally
More recently though.... I was finally in a job I didn't mind and was hoping to recover my funds... which worked for a little bit but recently my job decided to cut back hours. Okay fine...
the problem with that is that.... I went from 32 hours one week (which isn't perfect but could be worse) to from this week and next week, I only work 4 days total.
Each of those shifts are pretty much 3 hour shifts
so basically at most i'm making 6-8 hours a week
9 months ago
the TL;DR of that too is basically... I immediately spoke to my manager and she did everything she could to try to get me more hours and her boss pretty much said "fuck you, we're not doing that and that's that"
so now I'm forced to ONCE AGAIN find another job while I survive off of 40$ for a week an a half at the time
And bills need to be paid yet...
《 Ꭺꮮꮲꮋꮖꮪꮃꮻꮮꭼ 》
9 months ago @Edit 9 months ago
With only 40$, there was no way for me to do a 25$ paid as I cling onto what money i have left to make it last
So I called a hiatus until I could do it, because limited icons make it difficult (even if I want to change them anyway) but I both got paid finally & Tarei sent me a paid rofl
a shout out to Kelly too who gifted a paid but it was a regular and it just.... felt weird not to have everything so I really appreciate it, but I wanted to be able to have access to everything
so shout out to those who have been nice to help me out in anyway lately, seriously.
And now my update for work situation is this:
9 months ago
the boss sucks
1) So I applied to a few jobs
2) I told my dad that they cut my hours/ect shortly after finding out I can't get more
3) my dad came over with a newspaper to help find something (there was nothing i could do of course)....
4) Went to go get lunch and realized that Subway needed people and it was a likely job opportunity
5) there's hope that i can basically get something & hours that I need
6) Turn the app in the next day
7) yesterday I had a call from a job, but not the one I was expecting. it was for one that I had applied to previously
8-) set up an interview for that day
9) got called an hour and a half later for the subway job basically saying, "you can start any time"
10) told them that I literally got an interview call earlier and wanted to see how that worked out before I decided anything
11) had the interview and basically got that offer as well
SO NOW HERE'S THE CATCH BETWEEN THIS. I have 2 jobs that basically offered a job to me which is rare for me but....
Sounds like Subway only pays 10$ and a 3$ tip average or something, so it's a job I know how to do really well due to past experience, but the pay really sucks. On the other hand.... It's a job if i need to and man I need something. And they dont have benefits or anything
but this other job is an assistant manager to a retail store and they start at 18$ an hour which is a hell of an increase. I was also promised full hours and benefits (which surprised me). But the catch is that it sounds like the troubles there are probably going to make the job really difficult and I'm not entirely certain if I will be able to do it prop
the manager was really understanding and willing to work with me about it, but idk how it's going to go. I did say I'd be willing to try because IDK how well I'll do, but I don't know until I try
so Im thinking of trying to do part time for a day or two at subway to have my foot in the door as well just in case if i do get into this job and go... "man i fucking hate it", then I have something to fall back on
but the whole situation sucks because.... one pays well and has benefits, but I may not be suitable/it may be too difficult for me. Where as the other pays peanuts, but I know how to do it
I'm very conflicted honestly
I'm glad to have found something else and so quickly, but man Idk if i have it all figured out just yet....
I just really want to be able to be financially stable again
So the point is, I'm finally back and able to tag now and I really want to do a lot of things so im glad
i just hate that I couldnt reup it sooner
i also quit my bowling league because i wasn't enjoying it anymore anyway and definitely cant afford to keep paying for something I lost my drive for anyway
so that's one less thing to worry about money wise I suppose
i need to go through my expenses again to see if i can cut out more stuff tbh
9 months ago
what are the troubles
9 months ago
the assistant mgr
basically the manager id be under said that she's been having trouble with lazy workers who dont want to do shit. so that might become a problem. I'm hoping I can maybe be someone they'd like enough to be like "yeah, okay, I'll actually listen to you"
then there's also the fact that everything needs to be fixed and reorganized basically because things are a shit show, so that might take time. I personally like organizing things and making them look nice, but again if you have lazy people who don't care geustures to problem
It also sounds like the manager has been REALLY STRESSED and strapped for help, so not everything is able to be done the way she'd like to. So I'm hoping if I'm there too, it would help ease the stress and maybe might be able to fix and stabilize things, but I'm also sort of like.... "will i be able to manage/be suitable for the job?" idk
like expiration dates have been a problem because people don't do first in first out and it's pretty bad by the sounds of it. But I'm also hoping getting everyone on the same page will help allievate that.
because it sounds like she does want to get everyone on the same page because honestly i appreciate that
ive had jobs where my managers fought with one another about which way is right and then I was pulled to multiple ways for how to do it properly
so to have her be like "no, I want everyone to do it the same way and to have everyone on the same page" is a damn blessing
9 months ago
9 months ago
how big a place?
9 months ago
retail smol or retail super sized
its not terribly big but not small
probably more retail small thoguh
btw goatlegs going to change the subject of the last tag because it is sort of a spoiler, but not one that gives any information away specifically. the tag just felt very bare bones wihout something else with it.
so focusing on a subject change somehow rofl
don't even worry about it dear. I'm glad that you were able to make the ends meet etc
lol you know how I am
lol. every little bit :-D
Rizzaria 🔥
9 months ago
no worries!!! thank you for being considerate :>
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