gremlin wife
9 months ago
Riffraff had a recheck of his draining butt wound with the vet today
latest #7
gremlin wife
9 months ago
It's healing fine, he's fine, it stopped draining like a week ago
gremlin wife
9 months ago
Dr. Kronk (yes that's actually his name) told me he was very amused by my email where I diagnosed Riffraff with Something Bit Him in the Ass
9 months ago @Edit 9 months ago
... that name is amazing
Though I am also glad Riffraff is doing better!
☕ Aro ➽
9 months ago
did he agree with your well-named diagnosis? lololol
gremlin wife
9 months ago
In fact, he did!
9 months ago
Dr. Kronk. I love it.
gremlin wife
9 months ago
He's a pretty good vet, too
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