Game News+
1 years ago
latest #15
Game News+
1 years ago
it's also time for the Steam award nominations!
tsuchinoko real
1 years ago
1 years ago
recommending In Stars and Time, and game about being stuck in a time loop while trying to save the world but also not letting anyone else know you're stuck in a time loop
1 years ago
i'm always out here reccing Subnautica, an underwater exploration and crafting adventure that is secretly a horror game with an incredible plot
1 years ago
the incredible sad robot survival horror SOMA is 85% off
queen carol
1 years ago
it's also half life's 25th anniversary apparently, you can get the games for literal pennies
omg. that half life price.
queen carol
1 years ago
also plugging my favorite game, the talos principle, which is 90% off
queen carol
1 years ago
or you can get it plus the sequel and basically get the first game free
1 years ago
Both Psychonauts games are great and dirt cheap
1 years ago
1 years ago
both games are so fucking good I will die loving these games. I cried at Psychonauts 2, it's so fucking good
1 years ago
Hades and the entire Supergiant collection is on sale. You can get every Supergiant game AND soundtrack for a little less than $20. It is INCREDIBLY worth it.
1 years ago
Link to the Supergiant Collection
1 years ago
I am once again reminding and recommending everyone to play Bug Fables , especially if you're a huge Paper Mario fan. It's got found family vibes too! It's 50% off!
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