7 months ago
it's 745am on a Sunday. people keep screaming and cheering about something. I don't know what event is happening here but it is way too early for this :/
latest #21
7 months ago
why would the city schedule something so early in the day on a Sunday. Sundays are for sleeping
7 months ago
it's been going on for like 25 or 20 minutes so I guess I'm just. awake now
Rabbit Witch
7 months ago
7 months ago
yeah, I learned it's on my block
7 months ago
idk why it's so early though
Rabbit Witch
7 months ago
runners are weirdos
7 months ago
less runners and more what are the organizers thinking. that's a normal hour for people to be sleeping
Catgirl Crimes
7 months ago
7:45 is a pretty normal hour for marathons unfortunately
Catgirl Crimes
7 months ago
Technically it started at 6:55 am so you got an hour to sleep in
Rabbit Witch
7 months ago
lol they were getting registered for it on friday when we were walking by the convention center. they were even in running clothes.
Rabbit Witch
7 months ago
i will assume no one involved has actually slept for days, nothing but training and carbo loading
Catgirl Crimes
7 months ago
Also the average time for a marathon completion is 4ish hours and 30 minutes so 🤷🏻‍♀️
Catgirl Crimes
7 months ago
You’d want it when it’s earlier so many of the runners don’t overheat
7 months ago
it's November lol
7 months ago
I don't think overheating is a concern
Catgirl Crimes
7 months ago @Edit 7 months ago
You’d be surprised - my dad used to be a medical volunteer (retired doctor) at marathons during different seasons
Catgirl Crimes
7 months ago @Edit 7 months ago
And you would have so many runners (the regular pack) that had all sorts of issues from overheating to dehydration
Catgirl Crimes
7 months ago
It’s an endurance race and sometimes people are unprepared for the actual rigors
7 months ago
oh I know that, just weird to say have to start early so they don't overheat when it's 50 degrees out
7 months ago
in not saying they need to start at 2. like 9 is okay - people sleeping in on the weekends is a normal thing, and this is a noisy activity, apparently, so it feels inconsiderate to start it so early
7 months ago
it could just be me - I'm pretty self conscious when it comes to noises during normal seeping times for people, probably because I'm a very light sleeper - but the cheering was a very loud thing to wake up to, and it was incessant for like 30-45 minutes
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