r e i n v e n t
10 months ago
( sale: a little bit of everything ) i need to drum up a bit of money and as always i'm more than happy to sing for my supper. deets inside.
latest #118
r e i n v e n t
10 months ago
- --for this sale US shipping is free. if you're outside the US and still interested, feel free to private plurk me and we can figure out the deets!
- --i'll send a pp to get any personal details, like email address, shipping address and the like with Square.
r e i n v e n t
10 months ago
- -- for a few of these i'll absolutely consider doing some orders on the fly but with things like the dominos i only have a small amount atm. so if it is popular and y'all don't mind waiting, i'll see about getting some more going in short order.
r e i n v e n t
10 months ago
mystery pedants $15 I will have 10 of each available for this sale with the possibility for more if that goes quickly. examples of pieces below. for this one they can be either moons or donuts and i've got no clue which is which cause they are already sealed up.
r e i n v e n t
10 months ago
https://images.plurk.com/5gKahe4uEFBQPN5MU3fHzJ.jpg https://images.plurk.com/3xH9bEtVi0F1oSIPCeY1rC.jpg
r e i n v e n t
10 months ago
domino sets $40 comes with a clear case to hold them in.
r e i n v e n t
10 months ago @Edit 10 months ago
halloween glow SOLD OUT orange and purple glitter and glow in the dark pigment swirled through!
r e i n v e n t
10 months ago
https://images.plurk.com/2WcGA4Y7zwJSnwImbKzfuc.jpg https://images.plurk.com/6cztoGROBaBOtYsyNPYq9r.jpg
r e i n v e n t
10 months ago
ocean surf 2 available each domino has at least one seashell inside!
r e i n v e n t
10 months ago
https://images.plurk.com/4AzZwPhwmdnNH0e9r4ux7Z.jpg https://images.plurk.com/7GOQwbRvpns67y2ig6eLAF.jpg
r e i n v e n t
10 months ago @Edit 10 months ago
zodiac sky 1 available dominos have a mix of different zodiac signs mixed throughout!
r e i n v e n t
10 months ago
https://images.plurk.com/3JgwTKP5VWhpZarPOdhafx.jpg https://images.plurk.com/2OVVrvetEKCJ8LJAGYhax8.jpg
r e i n v e n t
10 months ago
boo bags $60 ($75 value) comes with all 5 house ghosts and a house ghost. pictures of everyone incoming.
r e i n v e n t
10 months ago
keep in mind there is some variation between molds but overall the general look will be the same on these guys along with the ingredients
r e i n v e n t
10 months ago
so there will be all of these guys:
r e i n v e n t
10 months ago
https://images.plurk.com/2TYoCicQrAkFR6Rp6XcI0x.jpg https://images.plurk.com/5AsStVg4GbfpxfuPfXGmB9.jpg https://images.plurk.com/3Odq01fqkhTxHc58QZYUc3.jpg https://images.plurk.com/1ILaAFihm6zAvxmBIS5DDd.jpg https://images.plurk.com/uHsmCZo6xlEkm5hPHISdz.jpg
r e i n v e n t
10 months ago
terry is revamped and now has a stone to go along with his herb. jasper is the newest addition! he also glows in the darkl
r e i n v e n t
10 months ago
the house ghosts that go with the bags look like:
r e i n v e n t
10 months ago
https://images.plurk.com/4N7qpYyrDuR42VJq1HCZJm.jpg https://images.plurk.com/1dyLEGNmgunF29gkh272wd.jpg https://images.plurk.com/1DQolS63li5JEeeYG30uq5.jpg
r e i n v e n t
10 months ago
and have a keyring and bag clip.
r e i n v e n t
10 months ago
so to recap, there will be all 5 pocket editions and 1 of the house ghosts with these bags. i will have 4 available to start and more if it's popular.
r e i n v e n t
10 months ago @Edit 10 months ago
ocean themed jewelry dishes $30 i will have 3 available. they all have the edges painted gold and the bottom covered in felt.
r e i n v e n t
10 months ago
https://images.plurk.com/6Wg3hF9uy25r0fbQifJkEe.jpg https://images.plurk.com/7b1CuGPvKxhwivFSWCYjjO.jpg https://images.plurk.com/2oraYKdR66GHEr9lWMr8aL.jpg
r e i n v e n t
10 months ago
dionysus themed crescent moons $85 i will have 2 available for now.
r e i n v e n t
10 months ago @Edit 9 months ago
https://images.plurk.com/1qRy8TB12HTYM7284LpUyN.jpg https://images.plurk.com/5yU7HS4iVVR2uHaz4oJOmD.jpg
r e i n v e n t
10 months ago
rune sets $20 each
r e i n v e n t
10 months ago @Edit 10 months ago
galactic 1 available
r e i n v e n t
10 months ago
https://images.plurk.com/1iBrHVHz7DafRn8N17oI8G.jpg https://images.plurk.com/14JOySmtluA2NXLjQkiXcc.jpg
r e i n v e n t
10 months ago @Edit 10 months ago
sakura galaxy SOLD OUT
r e i n v e n t
10 months ago
https://images.plurk.com/5kTrDEevyitBqbUd4E9n8X.jpg https://images.plurk.com/2NXL3h5y5tKAGqmgJVyLdJ.jpg
r e i n v e n t
10 months ago
iiiii think that's everything for the moment! feel free to comment, replurk and share please! also, i will respond as soon as i'm awake again. i still do a lot of overnight work cause i'm a night owl so this is my bed time. thank you everyone!
I have to budget until the new year but I wanted to lyk that I will definitely be interested in a boo bag later if you're still offering the discount 👀
also the sakura galaxy runes are GORGEOUS and I hope when you get to rune dice that's a colorway option...
papermint tiger
10 months ago
Duuuude those domino sets are super pretty
elalmadelmar also idk if you're a dominoes person but obligatory SHELLS!
r e i n v e n t
10 months ago
KabochaKitsune: absolutely! the boo bags are here to stay! and thank you. Sakura Galaxy is a fave combo.
r e i n v e n t
10 months ago
a video I got of those runes, pre package
papermint tiger
10 months ago
also i would like one galactic rune set and one of the dominos, just let me choose haha. But if you could set a set of the runes aside for me that would be great
papermint tiger
10 months ago
sadly i odn't like pink much lol
r e i n v e n t
10 months ago
chocoballs: thank you! I've been having a lot of fun making the sets!
r e i n v e n t
10 months ago
chocoballs: I can set one aside for sure!
immediately follows you on insta what GORGEOUS colors and sparkle
papermint tiger
10 months ago
omg your ghosts are branching out in shape! they're so cute. I still carry the one i bought from you everywhere i go in my pocket (one of the moss boys)
Water Friend
10 months ago
oh wow, those are beautiful
r e i n v e n t
10 months ago
r e i n v e n t
10 months ago
chocoballs: they are! I hoard molds when the yearly spooky season is upon us, and the molds vary year to year, but overall, remain ghosts
r e i n v e n t
10 months ago
elalmadelmar: thank you so much!
papermint tiger
10 months ago
okay! i would like the aforementioned runes, also a zodiac domino set and one of the ocean jewelry dishes
r e i n v e n t
10 months ago
chocoballs: absolutely! I will mark them off up top and get deets later if that's cool.
r e i n v e n t
10 months ago
okay all, I am headed to bed for now. be excellent to each other in the mean time!
papermint tiger
10 months ago
sounds great, have a good sleep
10 months ago
i would love to have one of the sakura galaxy rune sets if they're still available
10 months ago
Oh I definitely need a domino set for Holiday Gifting
Catgirl Crimes
10 months ago
Ohhh... Is there still a sakura galaxy rune set available?
10 months ago
fuck if I had money
10 months ago
those Halloween glow dominos are awesome, are they still available? I would definitely buy that set.
10 months ago
Ohhhh the foam lacing is so nice, I'm jealous. I can never get mine to come out lmfao
r e i n v e n t
10 months ago
overcasts: i do have a couple available! i'll mark it off and send a pp shortly!
r e i n v e n t
10 months ago
sometimesamuse: i'm really enjoying making them i'm negl
r e i n v e n t
10 months ago
did you have one in mind
r e i n v e n t
10 months ago
coveredinbees: there is one available! i'll mark it and send the pp shortly
r e i n v e n t
10 months ago
komikbookgeek: i understand the struggle i do ;;
r e i n v e n t
10 months ago
wafflicious: that one is still available, yes! i'll mark it off and send a pp shortly
10 months ago
okay, awesome!! thank you
r e i n v e n t
10 months ago
corbiecore: thank you so much! lacing can be super temperamental. i still mess it up sometimes.
r e i n v e n t
10 months ago
everything should be updated in the sale comments as of the moment. i've sent out the first round of pp for invoice info.
10 months ago
sudden 1200 dollar car repair plus me being out of work for a total of two weeks due to medical things + surgery yeah
r e i n v e n t
10 months ago
komikbookgeek: yeah that would do it, i'm sorry you're having to deal with that, man.
10 months ago
thanks. I'm mad at my kidneys for deciding to make stones
r e i n v e n t
10 months ago
oh oof yeah. that's no fun
r e i n v e n t
10 months ago
i have work in a few hours, so responses might be slow during that time, but i'll update when i'm able. i'm planning on getting some more rune and domino sets made next week! along with some rune boards
r e i n v e n t
10 months ago
i know loyalwolf was interested in those boards!
10 months ago
they do look great
10 months ago
Oooooo!!!! I am definitely considering a mystery pendant or a boo bag for a Christmas gift for my sister!!
r e i n v e n t
10 months ago
Light_shade: just let me know! i came up with the boo bags at a fair cause people were having a hard time deciding lol
papermint tiger
10 months ago
It's such a clever idea haha
10 months ago
I'm definitely leaning towards the boo bag cause my little sister LOVES crystals. When she was a kid, she used to find pretty stones, bring them home, and keep them in her rooms. Now as an adult, she does the same with crystals, which makes sense since they're basically shiny rocks for adults haha.
r e i n v e n t
10 months ago
chocoballs: thank you!
r e i n v e n t
10 months ago
Light_shade: i feel that! when i was a kid at our house when we had one my folks decided on a rock yard and my dad had to bargain with me lest i raid the lawn. basically every bag i got five minutes to pick the ones i wanted best, then it was dad's to put in the yard.
10 months ago
That's so cute! Yeah, that was little sis. We'd go on walks and she'd carry whatever home was the best rock to her. For my birthday last year, she got my a crystal hedgehog for my nightstand and it reminded me intensely of when she'd save me a special rock as a kid. Touched me then and touches me now.
r e i n v e n t
10 months ago
oh man!!! that's so sweet!
Such pretty thiiiings as always
I love my lil trinket dish I got last time :3
10 months ago
Hmmmm, let me think on it for the day. I really like the ocean set but idk that it fits her aesthetic
10 months ago
But she and the boyfriend are big dominoes players so it's a good fit, just gotta figure what set fits her best
r e i n v e n t
10 months ago
loyalwolf: thank you!
r e i n v e n t
10 months ago
sometimesamuse: if none of those work hit me up with another idea you've got! I can do a couple of sets up
papermint tiger
10 months ago
an idea for future domino sets, a rose petal set would be adorable
r e i n v e n t
10 months ago
I did have those! they already sold
r e i n v e n t
10 months ago
it's on my list to do again
papermint tiger
10 months ago
oh excellent haha
r e i n v e n t
10 months ago
bumping for the evening!
10 months ago
r e i n v e n t
10 months ago
giving another bump
10 months ago
I will PP you tomorrow hun, the day exploded as it does but definitely gonna have to get some of these
r e i n v e n t
10 months ago
sometimesamuse: no worries! take care of yourself!
r e i n v e n t
10 months ago
giving this a morning bump before i head to sleepy town
r e i n v e n t
10 months ago
after this last fair i'll be having a bigger plurk sale on some things as well so keep an eye out
r e i n v e n t
10 months ago
r e i n v e n t
10 months ago
when i come back i will put up what i have left but everyone keep those fingies crossed that i won't come back with anything cause everyone was voracious lmao
10 months ago
lol of course!
sɪx ᴇʏᴇs
10 months ago
good luck!!!
r e i n v e n t
10 months ago
komikbookgeek: theasaurus: THANK Y'ALL
r e i n v e n t
10 months ago
I got most everything finished that i wanted save the alphabet keychains HOWEVER i got the holes drilled so all they need is put together when i get there and that's fine by me
r e i n v e n t
9 months ago
heyo gang just a quick update, i didn't reopen this sale cause i had another fair fall into my lap semi-unexpectedly for black friday weekend so i've been prepping for all of that
r e i n v e n t
9 months ago
it's local and it has some wild hours that'll be new for me
papermint tiger
9 months ago
oh nice, best of luck!
r e i n v e n t
9 months ago
thank you!
r e i n v e n t
9 months ago
if i recall the hours it's like
friday 4p-12a
sat 9a-12a
sun 10a-4p
r e i n v e n t
9 months ago
when i originally applied they didn't have room and on our last day up in kcmo i got an email just before start of day going HI we had a cancellation do you want in?
r e i n v e n t
9 months ago
and i was like HECK YEAH I DO
r e i n v e n t
9 months ago
r e i n v e n t
9 months ago
kcmo was really one of my best fairs yet if not the best and i'm so pleased
r e i n v e n t
9 months ago
of course since i'm still in the growing phases of things still most of that went into more supplies rip lmao
sɪx ᴇʏᴇs
9 months ago
good luck over black friday weekend!!
r e i n v e n t
9 months ago
thank you darlin!
r e i n v e n t
9 months ago
heyo everyone, i'll be doing another sale soon. a lot of the stuff here will be on there as well along with some extras, i hope. i can't do a crazy amount cause i still have one more fair before the holidays are over.
r e i n v e n t
9 months ago
i'm hoping to do this small sale now and one more on the 11th
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