on hiatus
7 months ago
Most difficult character I've played...? (thinking)
latest #36
on hiatus
7 months ago
Leans real far back in seat...
on hiatus
7 months ago
Not counting anyone I didn't like... legit play for a significant amount of time?
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7 months ago
Gonna go with... Naruto
on hiatus
7 months ago
He's just So Much
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7 months ago
Second place goes to Akihiko Sanada
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7 months ago
LOVE HIM... but man he got to be so fuckin' much, too
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7 months ago
Meanwhile, characters like Hojo and Genkaku were difficult for WAY different reasons
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7 months ago
Hojo is just a gross mindset to touch, lmao
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7 months ago
and Genkaku was so packed full of TWs that tagging as him just kept me on edge too much
sage nod
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7 months ago
on hiatus
7 months ago
Once upon a time...... Vanitas was my current (at that time) most difficult, and then lol
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7 months ago
The gremlin grew on me
My difficult remains Lan Wangji, just for... his lack of words
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7 months ago
on hiatus
7 months ago
LWJ and QR would probably be listed if I was considering everyone I've even done one tag as
7 months ago
I can't imagine playing naruto tbh
on hiatus
7 months ago
Xae plays him so well
He is A Lot, but I love him
7 months ago
I'm impressed as hell, naruto is such a good
He requires a lot of energy. It was a tricky balancing act when I was also playing Sora from KH.
on hiatus
7 months ago
I still wanna play Sai or Gaara off of your Naruto one day
yeeees, come to me
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7 months ago
.... could prolly play Sasuke too nowadays
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7 months ago
realizes how terrible he'd be in a place like TLV lol
ooo, Sasuke! My main ship!
lmao, yeah
E.S. Levi
7 months ago
'So many CWs I feel awkward about tagging out with him' is a familiar mood...
7 months ago
Your Vanitas is amazing.
A's Vanitas is the best and I love
on hiatus
7 months ago
Tsukeru: :3c a ship I would play with u
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7 months ago
firebenderjess: Right?
on hiatus
7 months ago
karmacitadel: Tsukeru: sdfhsdkjsdfg huffpuff
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