7 months ago @Edit 7 months ago
[medical tmi/gi distress] yeah, i think i got food poisoning from my leftovers i ate yesterday...
latest #7
i have felt fine for the most part but i keep having to go to the bathroom to empty my guts every hour or two
ever since I ate it yesterday
well, i say i have felt fine for the most part, but the gradual dehydration and affect on being able to sleep does have me kind of tired and pre-migraine zoned
going to have some ibuprofen and gatorade and try to keep on trucking
and chicken is like... the usual protein where this happens. i thought i had heated it up enough to prevent any food borne illness problems but who knows
🐤Bird Girl🐤
7 months ago
noooo i hope you feel better soon!
ty, i hope so too!
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