on hiatus
8 months ago
guess who's getting to spend this lovely Friday in the ER
latest #34
on hiatus
8 months ago
TL;DR my heart has been giving me trouble and now it's like
on hiatus
8 months ago
intense pins and needles all over my upper left side
on hiatus
8 months ago
Trying to stay calm heh
on hiatus
8 months ago
But stress levels through the roof seems to have really done a number on me today so
on hiatus
8 months ago
8 months ago
🍉 catipede
8 months ago
OH NO i hope they can do something
🍉 catipede
8 months ago
im praying for you
8 months ago
fingers crossed for you
8 months ago
Oh geez I hope it’s nothing major.
Hopefully they find something and help.
on hiatus
8 months ago
They nyoomed through lots of tests and an xray
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8 months ago
Nothing in my MyChart account yet so things pending
on hiatus
8 months ago
Currently trying to nudge Rui to go get some noms since she still hasn't eaten sob
🍉 catipede
8 months ago
poor rui...
🍉 catipede
8 months ago
i really hope you'll be okay
on hiatus
8 months ago
Okay heart is okay but blood sugar was scary high
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8 months ago
which is weird since... I didn't eat anything that should have done that?
on hiatus
8 months ago
So guess it's officially time to get proper test done for that
on hiatus
8 months ago
And suspecting that the painful pins and needles may be nerve damage from my fall
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8 months ago
So damn glad it may be that instead of an actual important organ!
on hiatus
8 months ago
and my blood pressure is still weirdly low
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8 months ago
Hate to think it could also be stupid Long Covid
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8 months ago
🐚 Rui 🐙
8 months ago
yeaaaah 8(
on hiatus
8 months ago
but I'm free and eating a salad
🐚 Rui 🐙
8 months ago
I want to do more research on long covid stuff bc I think there might be financial aid or smth idk
on hiatus
8 months ago
i hope
🍉 catipede
8 months ago
ruipressed: there is, at least where I live you can apply for disability aid I think (not USA though, I'd check your state laws)
omg. that is scary! and Rui if you find anything please share with me?
🐚 Rui 🐙
8 months ago
🐚 Rui 🐙
8 months ago
Onomatophobia: perfect, i'll search for that ty
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