1 years ago
Apparently our car got broken into last night. In fact, quite a few sheds and cars were broken into on our street 0_0

Thankfully, no damage was done and nothing of value was taken (from us, at least).

I'm not all that surprised that my car was unlocked and searched without the alarm going off... My 2010 Ford CMAX's security might be a tad shite.
latest #7
MarvelMouse 🐭
1 years ago
ugh it still sucks when that happens! I'm glad you didn't lose anything. We had an old old international scout that we basically left open because it seemed easier than having a window broken.
Natalie 🌈
1 years ago
Now that’s a royal pain in the arse...
1 years ago
I'm so glad they didn't break anything to get in. I wish our camera had worked, so I could have at least seen how he did it. More surprising is that my car is supposed to auto lock at a time-out, and it didn't - it was still unlocked this morning. I have no idea how he did that.
Natalie 🌈
1 years ago
It only auto locks like that if you unlock and don’t open any doors. If you unlock and then open a door, it’ll stay unlocked until you lock it manually with the keyfob. I R Ford owner too.
1 years ago
Cheers Cyberpink , that makes sense. I'd just incorrectly assumed it'd auto lock in both cases.
Natalie 🌈
1 years ago
It’s an assumption that if you’ve opened the door, the keys could be inside...
1 years ago
Hmm, yeah I didn't think of that. Considering the weird design choices elsewhere in my car, that's quite logical
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