Ainsley ☄
10 months ago
Brb making a new OC for Shenanigans
latest #14
Ainsley ☄
10 months ago
A sex demon who likes consent and who only amps up what is already there :3
Ainsley ☄
10 months ago
And can use his tail for some filthy fun
10 months ago
As someone who recently did a thread where my character used their tail creatively to rile up their partner I can 100% say that that sort of fun is uh. fun.
10 months ago
Ainsley ☄
10 months ago
Ainsley ☄
10 months ago
Also they can have a mate bond and share life energy~ plus he has a humanoid form and a demon form
Ainsley ☄
10 months ago
With a side of hearing thoughts and emotions via the link
10 months ago
this particular character is a half dragon. no full dragon form but he has the tail and claws and some magic ability. the tail is his warm up >> <<
Ainsley ☄
10 months ago
Ainsley ☄
10 months ago
I do have a full dragon shifter idea rattling around too
10 months ago
lol I mean, Savas can do all of the same things plus shapeshift in his dragon verses. he will use his tail as he sees fit. :3
Ainsley ☄
10 months ago
Ainsley ☄
10 months ago
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