[Drift Fleet??] so... I can't remember if I ever laughed about this out loud or not. but did y'all know that the Drift Fleet was a shower thought?
latest #12
I've been in hardcore reminiscing mode for the past month, looking through old threads, wondering how people have been... and I suddenly remembered that the whole concept of drift fleet
was one shower's worth of apparently intense thought
I basically walked out of the shower, pointed at stick, and was like "--WHAT IF REALITY SHOW IN SPACE???"
and proceeded to info-dump my idea at her while she looked vaguely surprised
it was SO good and my forever game tbh. Nothing else has compared
I was just thinking the other day "how the hell did we land on space "
a stroke of genius, that's how
I've been reading all my DF threads... I miss it so much...
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