12 months ago
[rant] CW for discrimination, transphobia, bigotry etc
latest #14
12 months ago
so i'm having bunch of seminar this week
12 months ago
and today was dedicated to discrimination, equality - what it is, how to spot it, how to prevent it etc
12 months ago
except, barely half an hour in, we get on the topic of trans and the talker drops "only (biological) woman can have children"
12 months ago
immediate change of the whole rooms vibe. a third of the course checked out of any engagement entirely, a third started a lively argument on why she's wrong and the handful left looked just ashamed that we even need to talk about that
12 months ago
or not, bc she then declared the topic "too heated" to discuss and just continued
12 months ago
by the end of it the 'forbidden' topics came to:
- transgender laws
- adoption and what birth certificates list
- east/west pay discrepancies
- the punctuality of the german railway
- discrimination of minorities that arent visible POC
- how the school system is failing us
- civil courage
12 months ago
she's probably still surprised that we finished 2 hours early
12 months ago
squints at top volume
Haunted Boos
12 months ago
So...a discrimination seminar that didn't want to actually talk about discrimination in any meaningful way
12 months ago
yeah, we were all "well we could discuss more, but..." between each other
12 months ago
and this wasnt a randomly invited talker, its someone on this companies staff advisor council (not HR, more a mediator between HR and employees)
Haunted Boos
12 months ago
12 months ago
and all bc we were asked for examples on discrimination and pointed out how when two lesbians have a child with each other via IVF the law still presumes that one will be list as "father" on the birth cerificate
12 months ago
which went into "if a transman has a biological child, what should he be called?"
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