Just Lore
1 years ago @Edit 1 years ago

Even if I'm struggling to believe that right now...

Some mental health and depression talk within
latest #38
1 years ago
I feel this. I feel it esp. more b/c of just HOW broken our health-care is in this country due to insurance.
Just Lore
1 years ago
Yeah... And I unfortunately suffer from long-haul COVID which is still so new and no one knows what to do with us.
1 years ago
/sending you hugs. And my rage, for what its worth (on your behalf, not at you)
Just Lore
1 years ago
Thanks, hun. I appreciate it.
1 years ago
I wish I had more I could do to help and offer. Right now, that's about it. B/c I don't have anything for myself.
Just Lore
1 years ago
1 years ago
1 years ago
(also fwiw, I like having you on my plurk list. I have enjoyed RP with you before even if we don't now, but I like seeing what you're up to. and I wish I could help more, b/c I like seeing what's making you happy or not. idk. tldr--you friend.)
Just Lore
1 years ago
Awww. Thank you so much. That means a lot.
Just Lore
1 years ago
I'm struggling so much not to just quit everything because all the brain weasels in my head are telling me that no one cares if I'm online or not..
1 years ago
The brain weasels are wrong.
1 years ago
we may not talk much, and I def. do not always comment, but I like you.
Just Lore
1 years ago
I'm trying to tell myself that, but it's really hard right now.
1 years ago
/offers protective hugs
I know
Just Lore
1 years ago
I'm really fried and tired and just feel like I'm an unreliable flake and shouldn't be in a game... Even though I know RP makes me happy.
1 years ago
1 years ago
I know this feeling and pain.
1 years ago
1 years ago
It's true though
1 years ago
Some things to help deal with the long covid from someone with 2 decades of CFIDS (same thing just older name)

1) It's a microbiome problem
2) Eat: leeks, onions, garlic, chickpeas, aspargus, dark chocolate, antioxidants in general (green tea)
3) Avoid: apples, broccoli/cauliflower, alcohol
5) no seriously just when
1 years ago
you think you rested enough? REST SOME MORE ANYWAY.
6) drink at LEAST twice as much water as you usually do. Seriously. Your body isn't breaking down the oxygen right because the microbiome that does it is fuuuucked.
7) debate intermittent fasting (can help rest the microbiomes)
8] beans, nuts, seeds, bananas, and/or fiber
1 years ago
9) NOT ALL OF THAT WILL WORK. Go back to 4 & 5 and try your best.
10) be careful of yeast (fights with your microbiome for territory) and kimchi/pickles are good but for instance both my Dad & bro are allergic.
1 years ago
I CARE AND I LOVE HAVING YOU AROUND I'm sorry you are suffering, it's not forever.
11] tell your loved ones that the research into a cure is important af and even if you can't get certain people on board for the funding, tell anyone you think has a snowball's chance in hell of working that it's devastating, and the economic benefits are vast.
1 years ago
The problem is it's so oxygen sensitive they cant' figure out how to do probiotic pills for yet but they're working on it. So cure is coming
Just Lore
1 years ago
There's so much research going on, so I'm trying to he hopeful. For now, though, I've been sifting through all of the suggestions and stuff that helps. I've found some things that work... Unfortunately, I feel worse in the cold and the weather is turning.
1 years ago
Hahah I had to go him sick today because I’m having a manic episode and I feel so fucking guilty
Just Lore
1 years ago
/HOLDS I'm sorry, love!
1 years ago
I get the feeling this latest season change is just kicking all of us in the teeth
Just Lore
1 years ago
→ yard sard
1 years ago
→ yard sard
1 years ago
I feel this very hard. Actually talked about much this same feeling with both my counselor and a health advocate person today
→ yard sard
1 years ago
I wish I could funnel the validating things they said to me straight to you
Just Lore
1 years ago
1 years ago
my Dad has that problem (re: cold) and it's not uncommon. a lot of people (even men) found relief from pregnancy hormones buuuut I have no idea how bad that would be with other things happening and it made my boobs like +20 cups
Just Lore
1 years ago
Yeah, I'd rather not risk that.
1 years ago
yea it's why I live in hoodies and slipper socks even in summer
Just Lore
1 years ago
I work in layers with blankets and a heating pad. I also live in onesies in the winter.
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