1 years ago
In 2 weeks from today I'm doing a thing: Chad Vincent - Fundraising For Extra Life
1 years ago
I haven't picked out a game or even my schedule yet. In the past I've done
8AM Friday-8AM Saturday
12PM Friday-12PM Saturday
8AM-8PM Friday, 2PM-12PM Saturday, and then 8AM-4PM Sunday
1 years ago
For game, Minecraft is the obvious and easy choice, but beyond exploration and maybe farm building, I don't really have a good idea of what to do... I did get an idea for a way overly-ambitious build, but it would require massive amounts of sandstone and terracotta, so the day would be all resource gathering.
1 years ago
Don't think I'm up to it this year, myself. If you end up doing something convenient for me to jump in on, though, I might see if I can swing it. I still haven't taken my floating holiday for the year.
1 years ago
(FFXI sadly doesn't seem like it gets much attention for stuff like this, though I honestly did have one person following me for a while on my extended "do all the missions" effort. Sadly, I got to a place where I couldn't continue for a long while.)