[EMERGENCY][SIGNAL BOOST]An explanation of the situation will be inside the Plurk, and links are being put up here for easy access (donations will be going through aerynaeacus to protect identity):
I'm choosing to refrain from going into any details that might give their identity away; we all feel that could cause, not only additional stress, but potentially heighten any and all risks. Their situation is dangerous, and their living environment has become a threat to their very life.
So, to make that happen, we're asking for some donations to get them (safely) to their destination. Once things are a bit more settled we'll start a GFM to help with things like getting clothes, essentials, and other emergency money.
Update: We've been able to get them a significant part of the way, with funds the only thing standing in the way now. Thank you again to all those who've helped so far, and to all the signal boosts!
We do have a last resort option, but it'll be risky given the time of night, so we're hoping to at least get them far enough that the one who could give a ride wouldn't be driving too much/too far on too little sleep