Jamil is still dumb, Vanitas is even dumber...

Jamil is gonna have lots of octobabies one day with Azul
and Cloud is still in confusemance state with Seph but they do dumb cute stuff like soak each other with the shower
just wait until people finally ask Sephiroth sex questions about Cloud. he'll answer them
Cloud while dying just sprinting full-speed to steal device or tackling him
lmao actually someone should ask who has the bigger dick
coeurl I hope someone does
.... that is more a yes and a no kind of thing
is there anyone shameless enough around anymore
Akira is shameless but being friends with Cloud probably is enough to stop him alas
...I know dup is a sex game but the mental image of sephiroth being asked sex questions sounds really freaking funny out of context xD
(but also, good for them tbh)
Odsjdk oh Dup isn't even where this would happens, cries
TLV just a very relaxed place uvu
my reading comprehension this morning xD
But yes Seph and Cloud made so much progress in their relationship
awww ;w; that's awesome, tho!
good ship development is a joy
Lots of events having them sloooooowly progress into something that's surprisingly healthy, given them
Cloud determined to push Seph into believing he can become his best self
I love stuff like that, tho. /gazes at her fav P5 ship...
YEAH LIKE. the potential for growth, even if it takes a lot of pushing and pulling to get there
I didn't even ship them like that .... Then here comes Nyan's Seph..... And the CR just clicking well
tbh, sometimes RP just does that
I've had ships where I wasn't super into it outside of the specific context of RP
My list of ships for Cloud is a little longer and we get to watch Sephiroth continue along the path to graduation
there should be chocobo shaped confetti
xhsjfnsjs Cloud will absolutely put in a request for that now
/weighs hands
It depends on whether Akira is in the mood to troll Cloud.
Amazing Akira player, meet amazing Akechi
Azrael plays a fantastic canon and AU Akira
someone should ask Sephiroth sex questions because he'll also be kind of clinical about it
Yes Akira is now tasked with that--
Teach Seph less clinical lingo
Akira: Okay look. You eventually figured out dating, now we have to cover the fact that medical terminology, usually, isn't sexy. Unless you're into very specific things but I really think Cloud is too traumatized for that.
Sooner or later Sephiroth is going to find out about the concept of dirty talk and that will not go well if he doesn't learn this.
Oh, thanks for the compliments kjhjk The Akechi I play is actually from my AU fic (the Crow Cries at Midnight), which is... ongoing but gonna be Very Long. But ooh, AU Akira
I can't picture Sephiroth doing dirty talk
Akira and Seph interaction sounds so funny...
Azrael's AU is really fun
and yes the AU for Akechi is SO good uvu
eee, thanks x) my boy has such a bizarre friendship with a friend's canon akechi, too. They're so weird. and now I be curious about the AU
TL;DR since Azrael will be best at giving more details is
"Took Yaldy's deal" version, basically. He has an unhealthy idea of what caring about people means :'>
Sephiroth's dirty talk would be like: the threads of fate that forever bind us together will always be in our grasp
Cloud, deadpan: Oh yes... Very hot
oh shiiit >:] bad end AUs
I once had a sexting thread that was like
cloud: I sent you a picture. why don't you send one back?
seph: you already know my appearance, cloud
cloud: ... I know. but send one anyway. without clothes.
seph: you saw me last night that way.
hhjgjh they sound so freaking funny
Is it really an AU when Grail ending is a valid canon option? 🤔
AU that extrapolates on in game option, maybe?

canon AU?
I got a friend who plays third sem alt ending Akechi and that's been interesting xD
Maybe canon AU. Since you have multiple available endings. But yes, I had fun with taking the fact that Grail ending is an option, and backwards extrapolating a mindset that could take that option after playing the whole game taking good person dialogue options.
that's super cool x) There's so many fun things you can do with grail ending because of how ambiguous it is
like you don't even see the other thieves. whar they go? what they doin? etc
It was easier than one might think when you consider the fact that the power dynamics in almost all of Akira's confidants are subtly but hideously skewed in his favor.
YEAH, for sure. And that's really interesting. Like the fact that he was able to help them but also the undeniable power dynamic due to his metaverse antics
Yeah when I played Grail in a murdergame, I did it as he got back everyone except Morgana, because it was one of his conditions on the deal.
huh, wonder if 'everyone' included akechi xD
(he'd probably be pissed if so)
if he knew the truth about the grail, good god...
Not even just the metaverse antics, but the fact that Akira ends up knowing huge amounts about their lives and secrets, things that could get them in a lot of trouble, while they learn very little about him except (eventually) that he is part of the PT.
Not Akechi bc Akechi didn't end up in a cell behind the Velvet Room as far as we know. Yaldy could return most of the PT because he was the one that disappeared them and trapped them in the cells.
(Also yes, Akira and Seph interaction is very funny. Akira treats him like the sheltered lab baby social disaster he is instead of like the dangerously overpowered force of destruction he also is.)
that sounds... very akira. xD
/eyes his whole thing with akechi in third sem royal
Nothing in future will beat Sephiroth seeing Mara, though. That was hilarious.
reminds me of when I plan to have akechi in my p4 au fic witness Mara for the first time and be like "Fucking really, Yu? >:| I don't want to know what you are compensating for, but put that thing away."
Mara is just... so stupid and funny xD
sounds like an amazing thread...
and then Cloud walking in on that
right now someone is trying to get Sephiroth drunk
that... is also beautiful
I feel like that will be a lot of work given the resilience of Sephiroth's metabolism.
And yes Cloud did walk in on that, so he could get in on judging Akira.
Akira firmly maintains that Null Brainwash is good to have and it's a useful Persona.
He's very wrong but he's not incorrect.
I love gremlin akirens so much...
I think that's literally all he said in my tag
I love it and it's such a mood