quick question: network during this time frame?
UsagiSquared i'm seeing the kids halloween party have a whole different impact lol
SundownWinter: What's the question? Whether the network is functional?
lmfao right holy shit....halloween is...saved???
the next person who tries to go into space is gonna get shanked in the ribs immediately
ianthe like i fucking told you about space horrors
SundownWinter: The network is fully functional for all of this! Feel free to use it for planning, gossip and encouragement to step into that totally legit sacrifice area.
me r/n:
don't touch the moon, don't even look at the moon, don't sneeze in the moonlight
when the moon hits your eye, like a big pizza pie.... FUCKIN DON'T.
Congrats on jumping blindly into the soup, children
47 comments and a few people put multiple characters in their comment, soooooo
party at the sacrifice pit!
if someone has a pit bucky's willing to cook
emily's throwing a party, he can man the hibachi/bonfire/whatever while she hands out party drugs
so long as no one freaks out that he uses the metal arm as a spatula lol
that would be the thing that people freak out over, wouldn't it
everybody's about to conga line into the sacrifice pit but god forbid bucky flip burgers with his roboarm
bucky: i clean it, and it's easier to just pick stuff up and flip it
someone: i know we're about to die, but also, ew
Emmet: I hope you don't use weird chemical to keep that thing looking shiny
bucky: nah, it's titanium, dish soap does fine
Please let’s do party drugs before jumping into the abyss
he still hasn't gotten around to telling anyone he can feel that arm though so lol
maybe aaron will not be a square this time and take some drugs
emily's got the hookup and no morals, there will be drugs
sonic with his magnets on his head looking like an idiot: I would like the ecstasy plz
bucky is the cook AND the Designated Get You In The Pit-er
good, that's the one emily would have the hardest time sourcing
it's not from a lab
hit up the taako twins, even though they're not participating in the sacrifice idk if they'd give up weed then.
or if there is any weed to be had since gestures at everything.
FTR Sherlock is accidentally getting sacrificed thanks to party drugs. If anyone wants to assume he's a sacrifice and haul him to the pit with them they absolutely can.
i like how we've all just collectively decided there's a pit
Pit, altar, fiery volcano, whatever.
i suspect everyone's gonna get wrapped up in vines and energy-drained, nymph style
Yeah I kept seeing pit and going "did I ... miss something?"
no i just like saying "in the pit" from "meet me in the pit" because my language is meme-rotted.
Jump into the vine pit
Jump into the writhing vine maw
It's good shorthand for "ambiguous unknown sacrificial location"
pit stands for Place It Transpires
1 years ago @Edit 1 years ago
that's really good
"No one knows what's in the place it transpires, the place it transpires~" /Hamilton