9 months ago
[rl] so there's a massive freaking beehive in my parents dogwood tree that they were unaware of D8 there will be a pic of it in replies so uh, don't click if you don't wanna see a huge ass hive?
latest #8
9 months ago
it like... have you ever seen a watermelon and gone that's a perfect watermelon size? it's that big
9 months ago
we had a really big one on the side of our house but not THIS big
9 months ago
and this is hanging over the driveway i don't know how no one noticed it
9 months ago
hell i'm over my parents house at least once a week and i never noticed it until idk why i just looked UP today
holy molyyyy
boops u, haven't seen you on here lately, is all ok?
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