latest #19
belated but it is done
i think i had also maybe flashed a lil theoretical ankle at love_letters ?
1 years ago @Edit 1 years ago
i was initially just going to have all the prompts be nighttime but then i was like "well, he'd be especially agitated if caught out in the day, so... maybe that would be fun for people"
he's essentially like a cat in a cardboard box trying to stay out of the rain in the daytime prompt haha
Wayward Haze
1 years ago
/eyes this
lmk if I need to change that tag in at all
wrote it super quick on break this morning
it's totally good! i can absolutely roll with it as previously discussed (i am just on my way to catch some z's)
cool cool, sleep well!
1 years ago
HUHU i know exactly which one to go for...
1 years ago
can't believe i didn't think to use drowning as a connection between Shoka and Alan when his username is literally drowningman....
1 years ago
stumbles in belatedly and taps this to remember for later

also lol YEAH drowningman (metaphorical), it's straight up lifted from a line in Control's AWE expansion (and they are doubling down on it in Alan Wake 2, the Fade Outs in The Dark Place whisper and mutter all kinds of stuff including "I'm drowning"/"Drowning" on repeat in some of the preview footage)
also at juu and luc
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