And may have had a UTI for longer than I wanna even think about
She's starting to legitimately scare me
God she keeps forgetting where we're going
and was asking where a spoon was
for... soup. that is back home in the fridge
UTIs can lead to major confusion in seniors, so don't let that scare you TOO much -- it usually clears right up once the infection's been treated
Yeah trying to remember that
She already had signs of early dementia on top of Parkinson's though
I'm gonna focus on a mobage while we're on the way (since Rui is driving) and making a list of everything going on
They're sending her straight to the hospital
Jesus christ the doctor thinks she had a stroke
She is acting like it negl
either had or is in the process of it
omg, I'm really glad you got her there D:
oh my god
guys I'm so fucking scared
she kept thinking we already left for the hospital and just
I keep having this horrible feeling and really don't know what I'm going to do if the worst happens. Mom and I just got on better terms and everything and I don't think she grasps that I don't hate her
brain stupidly fixated on what if I don't get the chance to help her fully understand I've forgiven her for everything
I'm sure she can already feel that love
God I'm feeling like such a bad guy
I'm having to basically be stern and keep her in bed whenever the doctors leave
yeah, that can happen after a stroke - having to be the stern child telling her "no"
This happened to me with my dad
but she was drained with a catheter and seems to feel a lot better physically from that
So many tests being done and they're finally moving faster
good, hopefully they can do something for her
I was straight up about to go off over how long we were just sitting there with no answers
Urine test confirmed no UTI so I'm nervous
CAT scan done and the ppl there outright asked if she has a history of dementia
she... can't stay responsive for longer than 3 seconds at a time now
Ooof. Fingers crossed that will be temporary.
I knew going home would be tough for you, but I never imagined it would take this turn. I wish you got to reconcile with her while she was in a better mental state, but from what I've heard so far - your actions probably reach her better than words right now. You helped her find some relief from being bitten, and you're there at her side now.
Making sure she's comfortable, and safe, and ready to throw down with some staff on her behalf
Finally got a list of mom's meds to them
nurse who was looking a bit judge-y that I couldn't remember any of her meds suddenly looked like she understood heh
god yeah, 20 meds is a lot
They're admitting her thankfully
I don't want her in that house while like this and with bedbugs still being treated
seriously, staying in the hospital will be better
the heck, I'll fite that nurse
but yeah getting seen here is good
Her doctor has been really good so far
I'm glad he is taking this so seriously
A is doing wonderful staying on top of things with her meds and needs and all of that
Very glad the doctor isn't brushing things off
oh shit! take careful care/watch over her.
to you too. hang in there!
She won't wake up beyond maybe opening her eyes a brief moment. Isn't responding to communication attempts
She's physically responsive to firm enough touches so it's not a coma or anything
She is just worryingly sleeping nonstop
But it's also not just dementia.
I've given them a more thorough list of health issues now that I'm thinking clearer
You have mentioned the bed bugs?
They have her in a very nice room and the nurse very eagerly helped me by getting me fed bc I was legit crying from being hungry and not having money for the vending machine heh...
zandroid: Yes! we made extra sure every nurse knows
I was so scared of spreading that here
They got all her stuff put into special bags
And we checked ourselves a tenth or so time
Well, that and if they were biting her, it's a thing to know healthwise.
Most of her stuff went into our trunk and we're dusting the car the moment we're back home
Oh yes I showed them every bite
Since they apparently missed that due to it being mostly around her ankles and the rare one on her arm