eeeuuughhh good luck infy ;_; /fights the germs for you
Masks are optional, but I got my shots a few days ago, hopefully that's enough.
Don't be surprised if I'm a bit scarce though, this is an extended trip.
stay safe ;; and yeah mask up where possible. even if them masking would be more protection for you, some protection is better than none.
also good on you for keeping up with your shots
I've got mine on, so that's about all I can do but hope
good luck.... stay safe...!
/salutes, sends Vibes of Strength
stay safe and use so much hand sanitizer
i always wear a mask when going out, "optional" is just a society word that people use
Yeah, I always mask in public too. Thanks for the well wishes y'all
Survived the bus trip, watching mom cut herself off mid sentence, go from doing one thing to going to look for something else, and start dancing because she got distracted and forgot what she was doing
The "refusing to acknowledge I have ADHD" vibes are so unbelievably strong, Jesus fuck
They go on vacation the day after tomorrow, hope she manages to finish packing by then
I'm the inattentive type, and she's so clearly the hyperactive type. But like fuck would she ever go to a therapist for anything, not even back when I pushed for grief counseling stuff.
the whole family has just privately dx'ed her with adhd behind her back and moved on
I'm the only psych person in the family TBH, it's just me armchair diagnosing
Peace for the rest of the night

I helped her transfer phone pictures to a USB, there were straight up
45,000 of them from the past 9 years. Sweet Jesus that poor fucking phone.
Never stopped masking too. ^o^;
Take care!! Enjoy your night.
This was a pretty tasteless and uncharitable Plurk to make, in hindsight. Good Yom Kippur, y'all, I'm sorry to everyone I've hurt, offended, and upset. I'll do my best to fix things and be better.
There is a meltdown in progress over passwords and identity verification.

;;; That new phone arriving in the mail the day before a major trip was a Mistake.
IDK why I never expect these trips to be delayed getting home, but they always seem to. Mom gave herself an AGGRESSIVELY on brand injury by getting some sort of back sciatica from getting in and out of cars to take pictures so many times, and like 90% likely a concussion from passing out from the pain.
I've been existing offline for most of this stay, and staying a couple extra days to watch her while Dad and the family friend make doctor appointments and try to cancel other trips they were planning on.
Ooof... im sorry this went so sideways for you
Can't wait to go home so I don't have to listen to making fun of how people talk, complaining about tattoos, and reality TV
ughhhhhhhhh familyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
I scoop you up, hopefully you get to go home soon
Happy to offer distraction if you have the brain for it. If you don't, no worries.
Me pointing out it doesn't impact her life literally in ANY way, and if someone else having a tattoo makes them happy, it's a good thing. "Yeah but it hurts even worse when you decide you want to remove it, and you could be 60 or 80 and have embarrassing skin like that."
Not gross, not disgusting, not stupid, not everyone decides they want to remove a tattoo later. Just let people have things that make them happy, it's not hurting YOU.
Just shut up and keep your judgmental bullshit to yourself, you've got your own medical bullshit to worry about instead of what someone on TV decides to do with their body.
"Yeah but let me pretend it's all about worrying they'll regret getting the tattoo and not because I think my opinion matters to everyone ever"
I'll have to go to bed soon, but thanks for the offer
You don't actually give a fuck if they regret it, you think it's gross and ugly and only for delinquents
Offer stands tomorrow, and until you can get home and free.
My 70 year old heavily tattooed mom would love to prove this kind of "you'll regret it" stuff wrong
I'm sorry this trip has not been good for you
I can imagine
Mine's 62, she's just stuck in the past and painfully lacking in self-awareness
My objection to tattoos is entirely on myself (I'm too much of a pain wimp and also can't think of anything I want permanently on me that badly).
Other people can do what they want, but if you're getting something in an alphabet you don't know how to read please triple-check your work...