Mia Sativa
In the meantime... Thesis is going much better than the last year. I haven't made any significant progress with regard to finding a theoretical framework to support my thesis but... I at least don't feel like quitting every day anymore. And my thesis adviser now is SO. MUCH. BETTER. Seriously. Night and fuckin day.
Mia Sativa
He's actually been consistent so far with the Zoom meetings every two weeks. With the last one, he just wanted an email update every 2 weeks and almost never bothered to reply. Also, with my current adviser, I wait for him to stop talking for a bit so I can say something in response to what he said... and until now I STILL get surprised when he actually
Mia Sativa
stops talking and lets me speak. The other NEVER did that.
Plus this new one gave me SO MUCH information about expectations about what the thesis proposal and the actual thesis will contain. He even said he estimates my introductory chapter will be about 10,000 words and advised me to cut it down to 7,000. Also said they usually expect a thesis to be
Mia Sativa
30,000 to 50,000 words. He also said he sees my thesis as having 4 chapters: intro, book 1 discussion, book 2 discussion, conclusion and trying together. And he gave me a freaking guide on how to write a thesis proposal, which he himself wrote/put together (it's just 2 pages, but still). I mean... from NOTHING to THIS is just another world.