machcarol is
15 years ago
testing all day!!! ITBS for 2nd graders. Does anyone else give this test???
latest #9
karebear_B says
15 years ago
What is it for? Or what does that stand for?
KimberlyW is
15 years ago
thankful that I don't have to give that test!!!
machcarol says
15 years ago
It's called the Iowa test
machcarol says
15 years ago
very boring. Like a mini TAKS
karebear_B says
15 years ago
Ahhh, sadly, I remember taking an Iowa test when I was little.
karebear_B says
15 years ago
For 2nd Graders? :-o What is the world coming to?
machcarol says
15 years ago
and 1st grade too
machcarol says
15 years ago
It has Reading, Language, Math Concepts, Math Problem solving and Math Computation
karebear_B says
15 years ago
Poor babies.
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