☀️ ceeshine!
1 years ago @Edit 1 years ago
hey y'all, leftover product from the seasons-themed Doki Doki Literature Club zine i was in have gone up for sale! check them out HERE if you missed out on preorders and are interested in the zine or any of its merch!
latest #10
☀️ ceeshine!
1 years ago
my very wonderful talented friend crepusculae as well as my roommate were featured in this project too and it's so wonderful to finally see it all together
☀️ ceeshine!
1 years ago
(there were some production struggles that were out of the mod team's control so it took a while but that means i'm even happier to see it finished)
☀️ ceeshine!
1 years ago
https://images.plurk.com/6pusdLNBlfrTdsFkeDeYli.png https://images.plurk.com/5j7oVgsaF9hcCJZbZdqPsc.png https://images.plurk.com/6heWmDnLPI2nbpAjtvkdv9.png https://images.plurk.com/6ARuFccv1LlLIkfG3ldIeO.png here's a bit of info on the bundles! but you can buy merch leftovers on their own too
☀️ ceeshine!
1 years ago
gives this a lil bump for today!
God I wish shipping to the uk wasn't so ass right now i want these soooo bad
☀️ ceeshine!
1 years ago
HMMMM i know for preorders we actually had a secondary mod handling UK/EU shipping specifically for that reason, but i'm not sure if they're in charge of any of the leftovers; i can ask about it in the zine server if you'd like!
!!! omg if you could I would be VERY shrimptrested
☀️ ceeshine!
1 years ago
i've asked!! i'll let you know what they say
☀️ ceeshine!
1 years ago
phainein: the head mod got back to me and unfortunately the logistics of everything during the preorder period means they couldn't do the geographical split model for shipping out leftovers but they said that if you've got other UK regional folks who would maybe like to do a group order, they could work with y'all to save on shipping costs!
☀️ ceeshine!
1 years ago @Edit 1 years ago
someone in the group order would be responsible for organizing and shipping after the mod sends them out, but they said they are happy to do what they can on their end! so if u and anyone else over UKwards might be interested in doing a group order, the best way to contact the mods is at [email protected]
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