Cami Mahovlich
10 months ago
Why is it that some people can be religious and go to church, read the bible etc and still be critical thinkers, believe in science, be liberal, love anyone. Then you have others that just go over the deep end and believe things like micro-chipping being the mark of the beast, believe anything told to them by a person of the church etc. My mind
Cami Mahovlich
10 months ago
struggles to understand at times.
10 months ago
Not sure. It is puzzling.
10 months ago
The extreme. I do not understand it as well. It’s almost cult like.
Alicia ✿
10 months ago
Those of us in the first group wonder about the 2nd group a LOT. lol
Dakota Revolver
10 months ago
Fundamentalism isn’t new. It’s hard for me to understand we “read” the same Bible.