1 years ago @Edit 1 years ago
1 years ago @Edit 1 years ago
the smile that lights up
the glance that disguises itself
and you leave to dance in heaven

you calm me down you lie to me
then you slip softly
into the most beautiful sleep
1 years ago @Edit 1 years ago
sleep my angel
in eternal innocence
sleep my angel
heaven is your last home
fly my angel
life is sweeter elsewhere

sleep, sleep, sleep, my angel sleep
the Angelus bell sounds
fly, fly, fly
this is my youth that rises up
these are my dreams which are hurt
1 years ago @Edit 1 years ago
I am a tightrope dancer
hovering in the mist
I walk over the wire of your steps

I tumble, I fall
and I plunge into the foam
of days that tell me about you.
1 years ago
sleep my angel
in eternal innocence
sleep my angel
heaven is your last home
fly my angel
time will heal my pain.
1 years ago @Edit 1 years ago
還是很愛搖滾莫札特 每一首都有記憶點聽著就能想起場上演出細節,也好愛姐姐的戲份,收錄和現場保持一樣的音色好美