like I know it's going to accrue fees if it stays impounded so I can't relax about it, but if it's beyond repair, i might just need to leave it there anyway? and then I have to figure out the price of a mechanic towing it out of the lot to assess if it's worth fixing??
just so much yikes
the good thing is that it sounds like the other person is at fault. if you guys have insurance then the other guy's policy should be covering the bulk of it
I don't know if the other guy's insurance covers impound fees and such. it would be nice if it did
yup, the police did say it's not us at fault but the other guys insurance is expired so ??? I'm hoping he'll have to pay something but hard to say. it's all so confusing
okay I don't know the laws in your state but I do know that in Connecticut, it is illegal to drive without insurance
if his insurance is expired, though, that doesn't mean he doesn't have to pay. it would just be out of pocket probably
yeah, it was different in MI but I am still Learning how Ohio works. I think out of pocket makes sense too, I just hope he doesn't like ghost us on it or something. maybe the police report helps with that. Right now just making sure the car doesn't stay impounded is the most time sensitive part ><
I don't know if he legally could ghost you
but I don't know Ohio law lol
yeah, I think we're taking all the right steps but gahhhh
nothing stresses me more than cars + money
Gods, I am glad he is okay, and hopefully the rest won't be be too much of a hassle
thank you, yeah all things considered this could have been so much worse. we worked out how to carpool to jobs and school for now and we were going back to MI together the next two weekends for events anyway, so IF this had to happen, it's the best time for it
pizza has now been brought home and we are cracking open some special booze to try and relax since there is nothing more to be done today
Did your husband go and get checked up at an urgent care/his PCP? I would recommend it as soon as possible because whiplash can sneak up on you and insurances will fight tooth and nail to help you with it if you don't report soon after a crash your health state
fight tooth and nail against it I mean
thank you, I appreciate that advice. my coworkers told me the same as well, it's a little confusing with it being my mums car and it being her insurance technically, but he insists he is fine and even less sore today so I think we're okay. I'm not surprised in the least though to hear every company will do anything to make me pay instead of them >< ugh
hmm.... the fact that he was sore in the first place is concerning
like obviously it could be absolutely nothing. my sister has had at least two cars totaled and was physically fine
lmfao my sister has had two cars totaled and yet she says I'm the bad driver
well tbf we already have been waking up sore from our bed/pillow situation in general, I'm sure this just didn't help
like obviously it depends on your health insurance but it wouldn't hurt to get a checkup I guess
yeah, we only just got health insurance for the first time in years as of this month (never could afford it before) but we'll be getting some checkups when we can regardless
appreciate the advice though
Yeah, if there is something wrong and you can prove it was because of the accident, that better helps your case in the long run