1 years ago
DIAF? Nah, you're wrong about that, it won't happen:You’re Wrong About EV Fires
1 years ago
I love the way the headline on the article admonishes the readers: YOU'RE WRONG, you ignorant morons! What if I thought the fire danger was being overstated... which I was? Well... I guess I'm wrong! So GET THOSE DEATH-TRAPS OFF THE ROAD!
1 years ago
But driving them is way more comfortable and relaxing then a petrol or diesel one. I have been driving two full electrics for a while now and I love them. You still feel bumps in the road but there is no vibration.
1 years ago
I never liked automatic gearboxed driving with their unexpected acceleration changes. But on the electrics it does feel good it just drives smoothly.
1 years ago
Range is still a problem in the US. But here everything is close by, we don't have 500 miles between towns.