it's inventory week which means grabbing the bull by the horns and giving it a little shake
i am almost kind of disappointed that eichi and nazuna don't also get outfits because these are. like. knights killers ver3.11
but did we need knights killers getting together for a fourth time when it's only enough for a gacha story? this is technically the fourth because of that one time in !! where they came together sans eichi. i am trying to keep notes

what is truly interesting is that the og 2015 outfits
are unlockable. which initially had me confused because i was just "i already have these?" but i forgot this is !! so technically i do and don't
oh my god minato nendo in the year of the rabbit
Can't believe it's Monday again already
Good luck with that inventory!!!
hashira damn monday!! omg eri i walked into work and received a "milestone service award." so there have been a lot of mondays... i hope your monday is tolerable
poetanarchy they're 20% shorts, 80% partially ripped tights. pinnacle of street fashion
They surprised you with a sudden award! You were just strolling in knowing inventory and bam! And I'll Monday is going fairly Monday. Ngl would rather be asleep 100%
flops on!!!! kick inventorys butt!!!
i bloomed hungry niichan 🤸
savanaclaw good mornyan, hikawoo. i hope your breakfast today is good
hashira my tags aren't here so i'm ordering a replacement set. it really is hectic. i feel you on rather being asleep. is colette a morning person ahaha
Bubblykins everyone's running around like headless chickens! we totes got this in the bag
Oh no!!! Also I gotta admit I got confused at first reading tags but then I remembered store tags!!! And inventory usually is even when planned out. Colette gets to sleep as much as she wants. I set her breakfast out and she goes to it when she feels like it.
She used to like being on my bed while I work but now she's liking her own bed but I think because I moved it near The door and she can spy on everyone from there.
because i don't have my tags, i'm doing stuff at work backwards. which means i'll actually be done pretty soon. the one upside of not getting my tags on monday is getting shelf check out of the way. like. that's so nice
which means
You're going to evolve into Nazuna! I knew it!
you know me so well

knights killers gacha got them all on a coaster. i am genuinely surprised kuro got on? like. i've been assuming that part of him not being a hooligan anymore is because of his motion sickness. but yeah buddy can't handle the coasters
and sorry to eichi. but. like. why is he also getting on coasters. why are we making bad choices today
leo and nazuna are thriving tho because of course they are
i get not turning down a promo but. maaaaaan. and footage of their ride experience was recorded so eichi and kuro
's terror gets to live on
leo telling kuro that he has to do something about his sleeves because leo grew a whole centimetre since last year. what a riot

rabits trip campaign starts on the twenty-fourth, apparently, a day after the album release. so we get new gacha hell next week in which i will devolve
eichi apparently was being all KIRYUU-KUN IF YOU DON'T RIDE THEN OUR FANS WILL BE DISAPPOINTED! nazuna said not to bully kuro and told him not to get on if it'd make him unwell. so nazuna was delighted that eichi wasn't well after the ride. of course
ngl part of my brain is all leave kuro awoneeeee
uuuuu... gacha
i have a few pulls saved up so i am hoping i get all four of them within those pulls.
i hope you don't choose to suffer
eichi takes the time to mention how leo and kuro's skills have improved since knights killers' first romp. and it's just "oh and nito-kun your slurring isn't as bad." nazuna gets annoyed because he thinks it's eichi's attempt to make him look bad. and. like. i don't disagree with nazuna but. honestly
I will not roll... I will live vicariously through you
knights killers was just made up of people out of convenience. leo's song writing skills, kuro's handiwork, eichi's money. those were all necessary things. nazuna just was a member because he didn't skip class. even in 2015 it was just "oh yeah and nazuna worked hard." like. sorry nazuna you really didn't contribute anything and that's okay
cool i'll suffer for the both of us
i have eleven !switch solo tickets. i keep picking switch for what and then not using the tickets. i keep holding out for hope i can solo one of natsume's 5☆. i'm all about unrealistic optimism
changed nazuna out of his pop in to outfit. ngl do not know who i am right now because that outfit has been my personality for the past year
i have two tomoya ssr's i haven't groovied yet
....two tomoya five stars. that i haven't bloomed yet. ok brain
i'm sorry for dropping the ball on tomo-chan
this is where the joy comes from on basic server since there's no office mode
conspiracy theory: they are roommates because of aesthetic
but i do wonder how was everything decided. i hope happyele rng'd that shit
who decided to lock sora, wataru, subaru and madara in a room?? ( a genius, probably )
kuro mentioned in the new knights killers story that leo doesn't draw on walls anymore. so is that in public or entirely? does that mean we'll get an updated leo+natsu+nazu room background
apologies to everyone i owe tags to. yesterday got a little uuuuuuh but today is a new day!
nothing like idly checking discord and seeing 10+ notifs from one person and me being all "oh no"

how is everyone i know so damn sweet
snkfbj why is this so cute
also i hope you're feeling better!!!
he's so cute it should be illegal
same energy

nazuna needs to pencil in time to get taller because gdi
i still haven't watched the mv yet but i do like that i can tell who everyone's supposed to be through aj's screenshots
some characters are definitely more versatile than others for swapping out. remember when music server opened and so many people were rushing to make nazuna rei in melody in the dark. i do respect that
he's staying short because he don't got a choice
good crow likes being taller than someone over the age of 10
maybe he should get taller
never be short

he's a short king

the song isn't bad. something about it seems melancholy aaaaaah i hope tori doesn't get shafted because god does it feel like the writers hate him. i'm so sorry tori
it might be rude but it's true
if his hair is being counted in his height then that's cheating

today's ! solo was fortunate. i love this card it's so funny. it's not from the card battler set but it always reminds me when i soloed in that gacha for a 3☆ and got koga's 5☆ instead. and that's why i don't do daiya solos in enstars
if anyone wants to read a pointless and totally funny ! gacha story, i'd recommend card battler. it gives me mild secondhand embarrassment but man is it funny
a full translation of pump it up aaaah
oh damn that's not the link i just copy+pasted the image gdi
Pump it up! (Nazuna Feature Scout 2 Story)the content is fine. it's !!nazuna but it's not the worst of him so this counts as a win-ish. loads more kudos to someone taking the time to translate this and share it. honestly very cool
it is a nice image. thanks enstars for doing a nice thing
It's good when favorite boy gets nice things
too bad he's not my favorite
maybe that's why he doesn't get nice things
Well... even if he was the game senses you looking at him.
ok nayo got me that's funny

i was hoping you'd like that
tomoya actually thought mitsuru would be leader so tomoya and minato share a brain cell

now that i'm really looking at it. why does nazuna's new card looks like he just said his catchphrase and a laugh track is playing
my favorite part of gacha is miraculously getting a 5☆ that you have multiple copies of in a solo when there's so many cards out there that you don't have
and happy thirsty thursday
stay hydrated. don't skimp on the electrolytes
canned laughter
aj got the one nazuna card nobody cares about but she knew i cared. at this point i think she has all of nazuna's gacha 5☆ on EN server. all two of them
that whole being an idol lets me be myself narrative is... it's something. thanks, !!. you're doing questionable, sweetie
sphere of azure mystery is such an underrated nazuna card. maybe because he's wearing pants?? but the colors are so pretty gdi
i do wish his hood was up like in the card but i assume MVs wouldn't agree with that
nazuna is rapunzel as the most highly ranked intellectual is kind to remind me