1 years ago
Okay let's go over what actually happened in game now instead of rolling around in canon.
latest #80
1 years ago
Alphamon was taken right before they jumped into the Digital World, but this also meant she was very aware of what the plan was. As far as she was concerned, the kids would have it handled with or without her.
And well, because it's Yggdrasil, the reality warping nature of it was very plausible.
1 years ago
She wouldn't have minded teaming up with anybody on week 0, but she did have some affinity towards Fei Du, because they're similar people. Also it was satisfying in a Digimon way to have some access to electricity. Very funny. The team ended up being Fei Du, LWZ, Kyoko and Libby.
1 years ago
So the thing is, from w0 Kyoko was pretty willing to kill because She Would Like to go home. She's very aware that the teenagers can handle the big issues, but she's also aware that her assistant is going to suffer data degradation from doing so many corrosive jumps.
Additionally, she's a bit protective off that body she's in.
1 years ago
Kyoko Kuremi did not ask for any of this, and Alphamon was like "Ah damn. I have to look out for... me?"
1 years ago
The only thing that stopped her was LWZ saying that he had specific okay reasons to murder and Kyoko listened to this and went "Alright." Because she's neutral on most things, but she figured it would be better to go along with a team decision on this one. (She was still thinking about who it would be easier to murder.)
1 years ago
She also reached out to Kazuki around this point to ask if he was willing to alliance with them, mostly because 1. she didn't want to kill teenagers and 2. they didn't have a healer and she was kind of worried.
She did joke about making them pay to get healed, but she seriously didn't care about money.
1 years ago
TBD reminded her too much of her teens at home and they had drift, which immediately removed them from her viable murder list.
1 years ago
She's not fast... Even in robot form she is so slow, the only reason she can cheat is basically Alpha inForce (limited form time travel) which she didn't have access to here.
1 years ago
W0 was the first murder and she was pretty impartial about it? But that's... just how she usually is. The trial and the way everything went did establish a pattern for how this would work, and it was easy enough to go through it for her.
1 years ago
w1 was the red string effect, and she was attached to Amelia, which she really didn't mind at all. She's a cute girl who Very Strongly reminded her of Nokia Shiramine, but with more direction. This was also secret week if I remember right. She did give out a few secrets, but I think Wolfwood ended up with the most significant one.
1 years ago
Which was that she was trying to save the world from an apocalyptic event. What was funny was that he was also dealing with something similar, and this was truly the thing that locked in her high regard for him.
1 years ago
She's bound by duty, and she appreciates anybody who's also trying to do the best they can with the tools available to them.
However, this also started her constant weekly "I'm going to counter Wolfwood because I'm Certain he'll kill". She wasn't sure if he was going to kill her or not, but better safe than sorry. (She would come to regret this by w6.)
1 years ago
The trial here was pretty messy but Kyoko's very "It's work. If nothing else I understand how to do work."
1 years ago
W2 was emotion share! Which didn't help anybody learn anything about Kyoko except that her emotions seemed sort of staticy and far away. (Because she was a digimon and not a real human). So you'd always get the over layer of calm and then the secondary real emotion in the static.
1 years ago
It was also! When Libby decided to kill! She used her team psych for this as Sweet Theory immediately went to work about everything going on here. The four of them were trying to cover the murder but also
Kyoko's usual crimes to deal with are digital ones, this was outside her personal realm of knowledge.
1 years ago
When she learned Libby's reasoning for targeting Buzen, it was bad. It was terrible logic to her. Sometimes people disappear, but they still have missions and things to do and to take that away from somebody... If she'd said something else, if she said it was because she wanted to see who's ideals would win. If it was literally anything else
1 years ago
she would've felt better about it. But that's because of her personal lore.
Alphamon is only a part time existence and it usually doesn't bother her.
1 years ago
Now, because Libby was executed and also took out the rest of BDSM with her, Kyoko felt like her team was very much trapped at this point. Generally she doesn't like admitting who or what she is until a point where there's simply no other option.
This felt like that to her.
1 years ago
So she revealed herself as the Royal Knight she really is, but then didn't give them 1. a name or 2. her real designation, so as far as they knew she was just "A Robot????"
1 years ago
Because it really is a bad habit of hers to not explain anything after giving like half the lore.
1 years ago
At least she acknowledges it in Hacker's Memory but Kyoko.... does not like explaining herself. If you got her to explain anything about her lore that meant she really liked you.
1 years ago
w3 was insecurity week! Her firewalls couldn't protect her from this. Because she's a Royal Knight in a human host a lot of these insecurities were along the lines of "Am I successfully passing as a human?" even though she was very confident in this otherwise.
1 years ago
Now, this was also the week where they didn't manage to find the correct team and scapegoated somebody... It turns out planting evidence is very strong and powerful in a game like this. Though Kyoko did talk to LWZ afterward and considered the evidence, and went "I think somebody has the team psych that allows for planted evidence."
1 years ago
The thing is she didn't think TWO people on the same team would act on the same night, so then she believed that one was real and one was faked evidence.
1 years ago
We were pretty miserable about this one, especially on insecurity week, huh? Very funny to get it wrong then.
1 years ago
w4 was memshares, and I think it did some interesting things to her cr. Only some people got memories where it was obvious she wasn't human, and some people she just straight up lied to when they were like "Where were you" sometimes she said she was the robot, sometimes she said she was inside the robot.
1 years ago
If she had a positive enough relationship with people, she was willing to reveal lore..... if people asked for it! Some people didn't and so she explained other parts, like the Eaters instead of herself.
1 years ago
I think Wolfwood got information for free, which wildly tanked their relationship, but that's Fine. Because she was absolutely operating under the assumption that she would disappear anyway, it's legitimately better for her if people don't care about her. She can care about other people so much but don't care about her.
1 years ago
This was also the week where she went on the DDLC cyoa, where her memories got overwritten and she was living with Wolfwood. The second fake life she also... was living with Wolfwood, and then he was trying to die to prevent their perfect life from collapsing. (I gave Quynn Kyoko's perfect life instead of Alphamon's.)
1 years ago
(This is because in Alphamon's perfect life they straight up do not exist, and that seemed impossible to work with.)
1 years ago
So there was a lot of trauma here, and she never forgot it, is the thing. She very strongly remembered everything that happened here, from falling off of a roof to dying for WW. She came back very injured and exhausted, and also completely disassociating out of her mind.
1 years ago
Nothing is real, nothing matters. Which is why she just started talking about her thoughts on Wolfwood at curfew without feeling self conscious or having the usual urge not to talk about herself at all.
The day after, Fei Du turned up dead and that was bad, but also simply Did Not Feel Real to her.
1 years ago
She got the information text, meandered off to find WW to exchange information as usual, and then confessed her feelings before walking off like that didn't happen at all.
1 years ago
Again, Kyoko is the type of person that will just focus on work, so when trial rolled around she was very much just "If nothing else I can do work" instead of having real emotional reactions to anything.
1 years ago
By Sunday it wore off, so she reached out to Wolfwood again because she wasn't actually sure she did... anything on Friday? And needed to double check some stuff. She got rejected over text, but again, this is better for her considering her variable status. Kyoko really was fine with it.
1 years ago
What she does want she doesn't get. (She doesn't want to part with her assistant, she wants to remain in contact, she wants to stay with these teenagers that saved the world with her, she wants the other Royal Knights to back down, she wants to keep people with her... but always in the end her sense of duty wins out.)
1 years ago
W5's effect was confidence, but this didn't change anything for her. It just unlocked new and different sides to people that she hadn't seen before. It was interesting for her to see the differences.
This was another body pile up of a week and it was a pain! It was a huge pain to deal with.
1 years ago
Kazuki asked for her help with Setsu's case and so she gave it as much as she was able. But with that many bodies there's never going to be enough time to solve every single one of them. But she wasn't personally affected in any meaningful way here, she just felt... bad that she couldn't help as much as she wanted to.
1 years ago
W6's effect was thoughtshare, which she found slightly annoying, but not too bad in terms of weird effects.
1 years ago
She did end up accidentally telling Vash she got rejected by Wolfwood, which was funny. And then Wolfwood cursed her into being in love with Shu? For some reason? (What was this about, Lowe explain.)
1 years ago
This was another CYOA week, and for her it really tacked on ONE more life where she was a doctor and was healing people from the brink of death over and over. It would probably be horrific, if Kyoko wasn't so... Alphamon about it. [Gonna take all that trauma and put that in a box, and we'll sort it out later (never).]
1 years ago
She had Thou Shalt Not Die, and she did think it was a little funny to have a healing power again, but one that was so deeply inconvenient to use. She would've preferred her natural "Final Aura" which is a big heal to everyone in the party.
1 years ago
She was with Netzach, Eiden and Kazuki, and she did feel responsible for Eiden and Kazuki especially. Netzach she felt could handle his own for the majority of it, still she's a reliable person and healed up everybody whenever she was able to. (Half dead is a terrible way to fulfill a condition.)
1 years ago
Now. This was a bad week for her, because she had a weekly counter against Wolfwood with the idea being that he would most certainly attack somebody to get home. Apparently this was a proposal from w5 that came in for w6, after Wolfwood had been convinced to not murder? I think something a little messy happened over here.
1 years ago
Kyoko did not want to kill him, but also felt obligated to protect herself because LWZ was her partner.
The problem here was LWZ also died this week.
1 years ago
The chain of events for this to happen, countering and then waking up the next day to find that your partner is just dead really makes you feel like everything you've done doesn't matter at all.
1 years ago
So she did go to the canals because 1. she knew wolfwood's body was there and 2. she was kind of hoping that maybe... it wouldn't be? Like it was a bad dream?
She wasn't ever going to approach the canoes on her own because she knew that was where Wolfwood's body was and she knew she was going to react poorly to seeing it.
1 years ago
It was under her evidence that she would be miserable at trial anyway.
1 years ago
and she was truly miserable the entire weekend.
1 years ago
Her partner is dead, she killed her crush, she's standing on death's row, she's aware she's about to die and be voted for because it's simply the correct choice and it lowered the amount of dead bodies.
At the very beginning she did say it would be okay to vote for her, because if nothing else, she is practical.
1 years ago
She also, off of thought share, gave out the lore of "It is better if you don't care for me", and enough people disagreed with this that she kind of felt like m...maybe she should keep existing? That's not what she's for but people had a Lot of Feelings about this.
1 years ago
She can't be "The Empty Seat" if she's there.... anyway.
People made the correct choice and voted for her, and Livio approached her that Saturday asking if he could Erase her, but he also asked her to fight back with all her might to try and live.
She thought this was a silly request, but alright.
1 years ago
Fine. It's fine. She can grant him that much if it makes him feel better?
1 years ago
Livio also pressed a little harder and learned the Alphamon existence lore, and considered it kind of sad? That she only existed for work purposes.
So now Kyoko/Alphamon is like IS IT SAD? Which she had never really considered before, but this game sure did make her go "I... don't want to lose everything."
Which wasn't the development I was expecting.
1 years ago
She's bound to her word, just because of the person she is. Not all of the Royal Knights are like this, so many of them lie and don't do anything honorable at all.
So she went to the coliseum, picked out a sword, spear and shield and prepared to fight Livio to the death on Sunday.
1 years ago
Alphamon's not a bad fighter despite the things she says, but she's also not usually trying to fight as Kyoko. Kyoko's body is much smaller than she's used to. The spear and sword weren't the length she preferred and the heft wasn't correct at all, but in practice she has years of experience with both weapons so.
1 years ago
Livio getting gored in front of her and almost drowning in a lake did legitimately panic her. She can't heal if she can't see what she's healing, so the fact he managed to get back out was a huge relief. She didn't actually want to cause another team wipe this close to the end.
1 years ago
So that's why she used her last breath to heal Livio. She held no ill will against anyone. If everyone is trying to survive, if everyone wants to live, then there's no reason to spitefully erase somebody else.
1 years ago
She really never does get what she wants. She didn't even get to die the way Livio and Vash asked of her.
1 years ago
lmao and then she turned up in the graveyard, saw Shibuya and started laughing.
Somehow all roads for her always lead back to Shibuya. She couldn't even be sad because it was just Japan again!
1 years ago
God she should've died sooner if that's what was waiting on the other end.
1 years ago
The endgame was also funny because time travel is under Alphamon's purview, though it's considerably more limited than this. It's like a quick dial back to retry and learn strategy or to attack as much as possible in a very limited time frame.
1 years ago
Anyway, what she didn't know then but now does know, is that she is going to continue to be active in the Digital World, because they're trying to track down the Eaters. So it is possible to contact her. She'll just be a Royal Knight without a human host .
1 years ago
Meanwhile Kyoko Kuremi (human) will be waking up from an 8 year coma and trying to get back into detective work. Her assistant will be joining her shortly.
1 years ago
also human Kyoko Kuremi has the same taste as Alphamon and will drink weird coffee without much thought.
Truly they're the same person. Kyoko (human) just has a more feminine speech pattern.
1 years ago
Here's what she gained:
- a desire to exist
- the ability to cry
- heartbreak
- love(?)
- friendship
1 years ago
Here's what she wanted to gain:
- none of the above
proxy ⚡
1 years ago
i'm still so shook about her w6. god. i feel so bad for contributing to it LMAO
1 years ago
Her week six was truly the worst thing that could've happened to her that close to the end.
this progression...i love she
1 years ago
I love her a lot... I really wasn't expecting this much out of her
my sweet robot i love you
1 years ago
I love my Royal Knight who learned a whole spectrum of emotions she did not want or ask for in homophonic
flower boy。
1 years ago
SWEET KYOKO... i love her 😭
flower boy。
1 years ago
1 years ago
Alpha mom! In every murdergame I end up adopting Kazuki
flower boy。
1 years ago
it's so funny. i'm curious if it'll keep happening in when i play him again
1 years ago
We might see her again in spring or I could finally finish Survive and pick a kid from there (THAT ISN'T A DIGIMON. NOT ALL OF MY DIGIMON CHARACTERS ARE ACTUALLY DIGIMON. PLEASE BELIEVE ME.)
1 years ago
It is fully possible to text either Alphamon or Kyoko but this is the same phone that's gone through a reality warping event so... You're only gonna get the correct version half the time
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