If you would like tl;cr i think it's a lot easier to do in discord.... so hit me up
Lore Stuff Also goes into here!
Kyoko Kuremi is a detective who's father was murdered to keep a company conspiracy secret. 8 years ago she was looking into it, and agreed to meet a whistleblower on Cyber Space EDEN.
Which is where she got attacked by eaters and had her mental data devoured by them.
This was the same time LordKnightmon and Alphamon were looking into the eaters. Since the gap between worlds was relatively small her options were other degrade into Baby I and be absolutely useless, or find a host. Luckily for Alphamon, Kyoko Kuremi was there. And in a coma. Extremely hijackable.
It worked out incredibly well for her that Kyoko was the person she was, because their values were the same, and she was already a detective she could continue doing her work and prying into Cyber Space EDEN without ever drawing any attention.
I do think about how Alphamon says it took some time to integrate into Kyoko...
But Kyoko doesn't seem to have any friends, and her family is dead. The only person who seems to know her on any personal level is a police detective that worked with her father. And even he doesn't see anything off about the way Kyoko is acting, so truly they must be the Exact Same Person.
Also this is specific Alphamon lore that not everybody got, but basically. There are 13 Royal Knights, and usually only 12 of them are present at any given time. Alphamon is the "Lord of the Empty Seat" or "Aloof Hermit" and is generally not around unless things are Extremely Dire.
Basically, if she's not needed she'll disappear. Very normal. Extremely standard. Doesn't bother her.
So for 8 years Alphamon was acting as Kyoko and doing all this work, and then, eventually LordKnightmon decided to pull the trigger, basically fusing the Digital World and Earth making giant mess of things. Because now there are Eaters in Both Worlds and all those Eaters are messing everything up. And Kyoko and her assistant have to Fix It.
This is partially by fighting 1/2 of the Knights, and then teaming up with the sketchiest scientist to have ever existed. Anyway, they do have a solution, but it involves reality warping/time travel and also the scientist was like "What if we got rid of all sorrow forever"
Which Alphamon goes "That seems pretty good, what do you think (to the 4 teenagers that came along on this quest)"
And the teenagers go "It's bad"
Alphamon is like "I will deffer to your judgement"
The end of the game
Anyway time turns back, and the Eaters were never a threat and they all became really simple digital forms that couldn't threaten anybody.
But Alphamon is now on "figure out where these things came from" duty so she's actually still around. Just as herself and not as Kyoko.
On the human side, Kyoko was in a coma for 8 years and is just now getting back into detective work.
The murdergame was truly a brief blip in her life but ALSO somehow she ended up with 3 extra lifetimes worth of memory. She has a lot of space for them, so now she's just. Stuck. With all of it.
I'm also thinking about how she learned the emotion of love and also cried for the first time
A terrible experience