小啄(Codepecker) 正在
1 years ago
🎉 好消息!🎉
Blocto 非常高興地宣布我們將參加 2023年台灣最重要的開源科技盛會COSCUP!🇹🇼

作為開源技術和互聯網民主化的倡導者,我們與 COSCUP 的願景相契合,致力於推動科技社群的發展。在 Blocto,我們提供直觀的 Web3 解決方案,如 Blocto 錢包和 OpenBlocto,讓區塊鏈技術對所有人都可見。憑藉著 160 萬用戶、100 多個合作夥伴和 5000 多個整合的 dApp,我們正在全球推動Web3的普及。

我們誠摯邀請您在 7 月 29 日至 30 日來到台北的國立台灣科技大學參加 COSCUP,一同探索Blocto如何塑造Web3的未來!
🎉 Exciting News! 🎉
Blocto is thrilled to announce our participation in COSCUP 2023, Taiwan's premier open-source tech conference!
As advocates for open-source technology and the democratization of the internet, we are aligned with COSCUP's vision of empowering the tech community.
At Blocto, we offer intuitive Web3 solutions like Blocto Wallet and OpenBlocto, making blockchain accessible to all. With 1.6M users, 100+ partners, and 5,000+ integrated dApps, we are driving Web3 adoption worldwide.
Meet us at COSCUP on July 29-30, at National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST), Taipei.
Discover how Blocto is shaping the future of Web3!
More info here,About Blocto