It's 2;30 pm and no I am not just waking up. I am, oh yes, without sleep and back in the ED with the fuzzy one. He has extreme vertigo, some swelling of extremities, fluid retention, brain fog, tenderness of left Abdominal side etc, etc. Immediate Care sent us here.
could reality fuckin chill
Dammit Bear gonna have to send some bubble wrap to pack him in
okay, with those other numbers that you mentioned in his blood work before have they checked him for a pulmonary embolism?
at this point they just need to pop him in and do a damn CT scan.
Will talk to them when they show up. Right now he is being given IV meds for dehydration but they can't give him anything for the nausea because it has a red tint to it and red dye 40 puts him into anaphylaxis. unknown if the red is red 40 so no nausea meds for him just to be safe.
ultrasound of bladder shows some fluid but within decent parameters, in spite of tenderness on that side.
wow, you guys know more about him than his own parents do right now. heh.
they need to check him for a PE. just scan his chest.
where does he have swelling? in the legs?
Gonna mention that when PA gets back
lower legs - ankles. And his hands.
And his lips, strangely enough.
hands and feet swelling is often circulatory. bad blood flow.
how's his breathing? does he get over exerted very quickly?
is he dizzy all the time or with movement. like going from recline to upright?
sorry, I was chatting with one of our ED medical directors. lol.
chelle's detail orientation can only help here
his BP is excellent, but he is on meds
mildly dizzy all the time, gets worse with movement
yes over exerted quickly. slept last night - several hours, still exhausted
his BP being good is good. sometimes dizziness with movement indicates your BP is dropping. because of bad blood flow + exertion.
How is his O2 and have they checked his blood sugar?
breathing is ok, either has allergies or head cold going on (checked ears)
blood sugar normal, not even pre diabetic
they did take labs, waiting on results
bear, you are a wild one.
I still would be concerned about a clot somewhere.
not like me, who thought a waking 02 level of 82-83 was a solid B, and not bad (thinking test results were like school test results)
if it's under 90 IT IS NOT GOOD
/draws huge healing hearts around both of you
I saw Bear's updates. Make sure he keeps track of whether he's peeing regularly and if he's got any swelling anywhere. Hands, feet, whatever. I don't like they sent him home saying it's dehydration when he's been back and forth to the ER with issues several times.
This is a lot. I am sorry that you guys are going through this and even more so that there seems to be no easy diagnosis