1 years ago
aghhhhhhh it's so tempting to blab about this upcoming chapter, so we have to finish writing it before I explode XD
latest #15
1 years ago
New layout is looking good! Please don't explode! Looking forward tot he next chapter! And trying to figure out how to scroll on plurk.
1 years ago
Ostrander: it IS a little odd that it's side to side instead of up and down! it just takes some getting used to~
1 years ago
killian: it seems a little less confusing on mobile maybe.!
1 years ago
Ostrander: ye, mobile looks a bit more like twitter and tumblr and etc I think
1 years ago
killian: I do appreciate a site that tries to do something unique though! Don't see that as often these days
1 years ago
Ostrander: seriously, everything looks pretty much the same anymore. I really like plurk's custom emoticons (though I have to make some new ones....all mine are homestuck still lmao)
1 years ago
killian: ooh custom emoticons! Incredible! I used to have custom mood ones on lj. I miss that sort of thing! That's exciting!
1 years ago
Ostrander: I never got around to making my own custom mood theme, but I always had one that was at least the same fandom as whatever my layout was. unfortunately LJ isn't nearly as popular, so if I want a Trigun one for my dreamwidth, I'll have to make it myself ><
1 years ago
killian: very sad when someone else doesn't have the decency to make things we need for us XD
1 years ago
Ostrander: literally me when we started writing the LJ au...I kept hoping I'd find someone else's code for LJ on ao3, but alas it was not to be XD
1 years ago
killian: you did a such a great job with it though!
1 years ago
Ostrander: tbh I'm such a control freak and perfectionist, it's probably for the best I made it myself...because it's exactly the way I want it
1 years ago
killian: completely understandable. There have been times something already exists and I want to use it to make my life easier but I can't because it's not QUITE RIGHT
1 years ago
Ostrander: EXACTLY!!!! if it's not quite what I'm looking for it's just not worth it ><
1 years ago
killian: life is difficult when your exacting standards are higher than is probably healthy
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