[Mute for Pet Injury and Depression]Hey I know I barely post anything here anymore, but I feel drawn to talk about this because I'm having one of the very worst days I've had in a very long time.
So my brother is having a really hard time right now. I had him over tonight so we could chat and he could ideally relax a bit, and maybe even crash here if he wanted. Bruno came down for loves, then Chandler.
At one point my brother leaned forward to scratch Chandler and pinned one of his legs between the lip of the chair and the floor. We rushed him to the after hours clinic. One of the little bones in the hip joint is broken.
It is a minor injury they tell me; that area is heavily muscled and the muscles do most of the heavy lifting. He needs orthopedic surgery which the after hours doesn't have the tools for. Walker and Ashlee have been asleep the whole time, so I need to talk to them about it when they wake up.
Obviously I will pay for everything (somehow) and I will give him his meds and clean up any messes he makes. But man i am not okay. I love that cat so much and I would make a deal with the fucking devil to roll back today.